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When does A div start for floorball? (:

Hi! The A divisions for floorball will commence with matches starting on 13th April 2015! NYJC floorball first match will be on tuesday 14th april, with both boys and girls team playing against River Valley High School! :)

When does A div start for all sports

Hi! :) As there are too many sports and to many matches, it's not possible to announce all the dates and timings for every sport and every match, hence the Student Council will be updating you guys via our Social Media accounts and also morning announcements in school! :))

Where are the venues for the A divs?

Hello! Different sports have different venues! Specific venues for each match will be updated weekly! :)

Related users

Hi is NYJC an open campus? Open to public?

Hello! NYJC is an open campus, however public will have to sign in with a valid reason at the Security Post before coming in!

Can we wear the House T-Shirts for PE?

Hello! Yup that's allowed unless your PE teachers have specific instructions! :)

when are the a div dates for our school teams currently?

Hello! Our basketball girls team will be having their first match against RJC this coming Wednesday (8 April) and our basketball boys team will be competing against JJC this coming Friday (10 April).
Secondly, we have our Football team who will be competing against CJC this Thursday (9 April).
Thirdly, our squash girls team will be facing off against ACJC and our squash boys team against HCI this coming Friday (10 April).
Fourthly, our table tennis boys and girls team will be competing against HCI in the semifinals this Wednesday (8 April).
Last but not least we have our Tennis boys team against MJC this Wednesday (8 April).

Will there still be The NYght this year?

Hi! Yes there will be the NYght this year! It is currently in the planning stages, so more information will be released at a later date! :)

Hi will NYJC football be playing against RI? :)

Hi! NY Football will not be playing against RJC in the group stages :)

When do Bball adivs start?

Hello! For Basketball A division, NY will be facing-
8 april vs ri
13 april vs acjc
Tentative fixtures for a divs boys (draft 1):
10th JJC fri
13th RVHS mon
17th MJC fri
22nd IJC wed
29th HCI wed

How do we sign up for the event for blood donation in school? Where and what time will it be?

Hi! Nanyang Red Cross will be organizing a Blood Donation Drive on 8 April from 10 am to 4pm in the ispace! The forms are on asknlearn and also placed at the C^2 point outside the canteen! :)

How did the judo girls team do today?

Hi! The judo girls team put up a tremendous fight but lost to Hwa Chong Institution 0-5 and Raffles Institution 0-5
Liked by: Jordantyc

How did the judo guys team do today?

Hi! The judo guys team won Hwa Chong Institution 3-2 and we will be competing against Raffles Institution this Wednesday! :)
Liked by: Jordantyc

the school is having renovation near the staff room, what is it for?

Hi! The renovation is to build a shelter so that level 3 study tables area won't be affected when it rains! :)

How will the results for 38th SC be released to the student population?

Hello! The 38th SC will be introduced during Council Address, which will be happening soon! :) After which, there will be an Investiture for our 38th Student Council in May! :)

If our school does well in A'lvls, doe s our college gets hald a day off?

Hi! Yup! 22 May 2015 will be a day off for NYJCians and this day will be Independent Learning Day! :)

How do I join a student interest group?

Hi! To join an sig just contact the sig teachers-in-charge or any of the members of the sig! Here are the contact details of the heads of the various SIGs
Chess Club: Ling Wen Jian - lingwenjian_@hotmail.com
Jfire: Ng Jun Xu - 94869470
Korzy: Chu Shi Min 81519166
Acoustic Movement: Lin Shiau Yu - 91520652
NY Musician Club: Jeremy Lim Cher Chuen - 93393020
Films and books society: Ng Zhong wei, Kelvin - 82238028
Ministry Of Recreational Games: Tan Tian Le - 97763845
NYCubers: Lee Chee Wan chee_ze_wan@outlook.com

Would like to thank the SC for the initiative to update, answer questions on this forum. This is a great help to all students asking, and reading the answers. Thank you !

You're welcome! :)

why does the library need so many cctv?

Hi! This is to ensure security in the library and also the safety of NYJCians! :)

where to sign up for sig?

Hi! To join an sig just contact the sig teachers-in-charge or any of the members of the sig! Here are the contact details of the heads of the various SIGs
Chess Club: Ling Wen Jian - lingwenjian_@hotmail.com
Jfire: Ng Jun Xu - 94869470
Korzy: Chu Shi Min 81519166
Acoustic Movement: Lin Shiau Yu - 91520652
NY Musician Club: Jeremy Lim Cher Chuen - 93393020
Films and books society: Ng Zhong wei, Kelvin - 82238028
Ministry Of Recreational Games: Tan Tian Le - 97763845
NYCubers: Lee Chee Wan chee_ze_wan@outlook.com

Thank you all for helping with school events! Thanks for allowing us to write messages to Mr Lee Kuan Yew

You're welcome!


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