

Ask @NataliBug11

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Short note: I miss you a whole lot we have so much to talk about. You are so gorgeous !!! I love you

Anniej33’s Profile PhotoAnnie
I miss you too ... I really do. And yeah I know <3 You can call me whenever you get ungrounded. We need to hangout, and have a sleepover <3 You are beyond Flawless. I love you too !
Liked by: gaja Annie

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Including Annie and Mikayla?

Uh.. yeah Basically.
I mean I've talked to Annie a couple times on Snapchat. But me and Mikayla haven't talked since my last day.
Liked by: gaja Rory

wow u guys where so close though

Yeah. We really were. She was there for me when no one else seemed to care. She put up with the drama just to be my friend. She honestly made my 8th grade year a blast. I'll always remember our memories. And she'll always be my first real best friend. But things get to you, and when you're getting bullied just because your someone's friend, it doesn't really matter how much you enjoy hanging out with them, or being there friend. All the shit gets to you. I really hope people are treating her better now, and I hope she has more friends. She's a really great person, she's fun, nice, caring, and she's one of those friends that will stick with you. I know most of you think I tried to steal her away from Annie, but that wasn't the case... i don't get why we couldn't just all get a long, but I'm really sorry Annie that I made you feel that way.. I love you both and I hope you guys are having a better school year.. Thanks for always being my friend, and sticking with me.

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Liked by: gaja Rory

wt about ur bestie mikayla

Idunno. She doesn't really like me anymore. Its whatever though. I got all my new friends. And I still have Neetu.(:
Liked by: gaja Rory

ur actually real pretty but uve made some shitty desicions in the past and madr friends with the wrong people so everyone talks shit no body wants to bbe friends with u not because your not nice or sweet or fun to be around but because people give other people shit for being friends with u

oh ? thanks, i guess
Liked by: gaja

top 5 best girl besties && guy besties at ur new school. same with riberview

Uh.. okay.
1. Kyle M.
2. Hunter M.
3. Nick F.
4. Mitchell S.
5. Alberto F.
1. Tyler M.
2. Alyssa P.
3. Ciara C.
4. Madison S.
5. Bri K.
1. Neetu K.
2. Reilly R.
3. Genesis C.
4. Caitlynn S.
5. Brianna A.
1. Aaron G.
2. Tristian M.
3. Austin
4. Kolby W.
5. Dillyn T.
Liked by: gaja

Thanks for sticking with me the whole year. I know it wasn't easy but thanks for catching me when i fall or when i cry (: Hope you had a good year (:

Anniej33’s Profile PhotoAnnie
You're welcome Boo, love you.❤
Liked by: gaja


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