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Ask @Noor3na

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How long has it been? I'm not annoyed, I just don't understand, how you can live like this..

Im not with anyone I was just messing with you so chill and breathe.

They are not questions. They are just perverted fucks behind perverted questions. What's so fucking funny? How long has if been?

Lmfao someones sounds annoyed, fuckk off.

Why are you do comfortable with answering all these stupid questions? Why are all these kids after you. Are you in. Relationship?

They're just questions, lmao and yea.

I never said that your future is answering these, stoopid fucking questions. All I am saying is that the interne is fucked up. (Kids) are fucked up. I just don't want to see you, ending up in the wrong hands. I know your smart n all but when we get into harsh decision, we end up making bad decisios.

Lmao hop off anon and tell me this in person so I can actually take you seriously..

Please. Why show them yourself, to these ruthless buckets. Idk why it is for fame or popularity or entertainment or what not... If your bored in life go for a walk or something goddammit. These kids don't have no shame these days. Yours truly, you know who, I am.

Hope off anon and maybe you'd ring a bell mr preacher

I think that you are getting way to ahead of yourself, internet gangster. Kids(guys) these days have no respect, can't treat a woman nicely on the web, how are you going to expect that in real life. Delete your ask and whatever else nonsense you have.

I never claimed to be an Internet gangster lmfao, and you think just cause I answer some dumbass questions thats going to be my future? lmfao hop off my dick and take your own advice and unfollow & leave my page.

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

Somewhere really far away from here.


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