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Ask @Noor3na

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Do you believe long distance relationships can work?

Yeah, depending how committed, and how much you like that person.

Do you think it’s OK for me to still have feelings for my ex?

Noppee, you need to get over him/her, cause no matter what, life goes on, and you gotta go on too :)

all the guys smoking weed in the background purely describes your need to get fucked isnt it? alright bitch let me put it in simple terms for you, its me from elementary school, and there is no where to hide, but youre gonna get fucked hard, and im not lying but your first sex will be with me, NIGGA

LOOOL, NIGGAA, Why are you on anonymous? Ask yourself why your so confident...Ill answer, CAUSE YOU'RE HIDING BEHIND A COMPUTER SCREEN. Go die.

Don;t you hate that guy Jatinder? I don't why i just hate him? (son of a bitch)........ :Last Q was about him!!!!

why would i hate him, i barely give a shit about people

Who was the tall guy you were talking to last time in school, He has a white (nissan)......He mostly stands at the end of the school? Are you attracted or like him? Do you even know his name?

Lol who are you even talking about?

Describe your first date? What did you do, where did you go? Did you love him?

Nahh to much work, and lakeshorre, and yeahh


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