
Ola Englund

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I've read recently that you write all lyrics in Feared songs. Do you also make the vocal lines and then write the lyrics or is it Mario who does the lines and then you write the lyrics?

Actually I make the vocal lines first and then write the lyrics. This way the vocals sound more like an additional instrument. Having lyrics and trying to make them fit a song could really destroy the feel of the song.
If you preordered Vinter Deluxe you would see me talking about this in the latest entry of my video diary.

I follow you through Facebook. I have Swedish heritage. Often I confuse your posts as those from someone I actually know. Does that personal connection with your friends and followers worldwide ever seem odd, too assuming? If I came to Stockholm could we go for a coffee?

Kevin Wedergren
I try to be an open person and I love to hang out if we randomly met at a gig or a club, but I just don't go out and have coffee with someone I don't know unless it's for a specific reason anymore. Takes a bit more than a message on Facebook to take me out to dinner :)
Facebook is a great tool for getting social and introduce new friendships but I still have my own life outside of it with regular friends that I hang with. If this was two years ago it would be a lot easier for me too socialize with random people but today I'm getting more and more antisocial and busy. I dont go out unless there's a band i want to catch live etc. I just value my own time more together with my family and son and when I'm not doing that I'm always working.
With that said if we ever meet WHEN I'm out drinking, exhibitions, gigs or just bump into me then I'm all about having coffee if time allows it!

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Liked by: indy

Hey there, at the beginning of the Song "Psycho Logic" what modulation is that? I'm useless at telling the diff between Chorus/Flanger/Phaser, pretty sure it's flange though? If so is this a VST/Pedal/Rack? Thanks Ola!

Flanger and volume swell

When recording guitars, do you just record one take and then paste it to the second track for panning? Or do you actually record both the left and right channel separately? Pasting seems like a time saver, but is it the right way to do it?

Anders Dryński
If you just copy paste and then pan all you will achieve is either phase issues or a volume increase(because you're using the same file. Recording separate takes is the way to do it.

Which Meshuggah album influenced you the most ? (I hear a lot of Destroy, Erase, Improve in your songs)

François Chagnaud
I would say Chaosphere, but then again I don't hear too many Meshuggah influence in Feared, more like Pantera or Machine Head
Liked by: francisco

I was listening to Feared in spotify the other day. And a question raised... As a unsigned artist, who are you working with to get your music onto Spotify?

david pucheta

You said that you're more of a 90's metal guy, but it seems you want also dig new generation bands like Periphery, what things you see from them that you enjoy or you want?

Adrian Azurin
Reason I don't listen too much to new music is basically cause I don't have time/work a lot.
But here and there I get the chance to learn about some "newer" bands in the crazy saturated world of metal, and Periphery is one of those standing out. It's not what I usually dig or listen too but they know how to write good songs and hooks, and I'm definitely a big fan. I also feel that we're from the same kind of background (even if Periphery are a huge band now) i want to support as much as I can. Doesn't hurt that they're awesome guys, and I really admire good honest people. Those are the ones you want to keep in your life.

Hi Ola! Do you write riffs for a certain band you're in, or just come up with riffs and then decide where it goes? Is it sometimes difficult for your writing to be in more bands? (Feared, The Haunted, Six Feet Under, Scarpoint, I belive?)

Peter Ba
I usually start of with deciding if I'm making a Feared, Six Feet Under or The Haunted song. Then I start the riffing!

Hey man I just wanted to know how do you manage to balance so much time in between SFU, The Haunted, Feared, your youtube channel and everything else while still managing to spend time with your fam? It must get real hard sometimes.

Michael Cassano
Well I keep a good working discipline. I wake up early, take my son to daycare, get home and start working. I work regular hours up until I go and pick up my son from daycare again. After that it's family time only. I've always been pretty good at working hard :)

The Fortin Natas demo you did in Jocke Skog's studio is the best and colossal sound i have ever heard. is it possible to get the same tone with the Thrasher? Because the Thrasher is based on the Natas but does it have the Natas handmade genius Mike Fortin MOJO?

Qendrim Shala
Yeah you can still get that sound, in that demo there's so much gain. Just turn up the gain :)
And yes the Thrasher and Satan are completely Mike Fortin designed.

I'm surprised you haven't named one of your patches the "Rectal Fryer" yet

It's because everyone else is calling them that. Reach around Rectum is a good one though!

Hey Ola. Serious not so serious question here. Your opinion on Asking Alexandria and Ben Bruce.?

Tyler Graham
It's a band I don't listen to but mainly because I'm slow when it comes to listen to new bands. I'm kinda stuck in the 90s .
But it seems like there's a trend with hating the band from what I see online, which is weird, I mean if you don't like them don't listen to them.
They are doing their thing and they have a huge amount of fans so they must be doing something right, right? Now that's something I respect.
And I have no idea who the guitar player is.


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