
Ola Englund

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Hi Ola, I'm thinking of getting some recording devices so i can record and keep up with my music. What do i need to get for stuff? The things i have for it now is two guitars, a computer, microphone (low budget) a digital (?) amp (Peavey Vypyr 30w). /Rickard from Sweden!

Rickard Lundin
hej! This question is covered in the FAQ on my page: http://www.olaenglund.com/faq

Hi!I have a really nerdy question but i'm really confused: Bolt on vs Neck thru On high quality guitars like ESP mii does it really matter? ps1.In greek your name "Ola" means "All" !! ps2.hope to see the Haunted in Athens someday!

Depends, some bolt ons and set necks are super awesome and some neck throughs are awesome. It all comes down to personal preference,

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Yo Ola! What do you think would be the best pickups to go with in an Ibby RGD2127FX? I've been thinking about Aftermaths, and I know you love SD Distortions. But what would sound the tightest in basswood?

If you want a super tight pickup definitely the Aftermath or for say the Seymour Duncan Pegasus!
Liked by: Er

I love your mixes man !!! Do you prefer 2 or 4 guitar tracks ? I know that 2 is fine but some of my favorite producers like Andy Sneap seem to prefer 4 if they have time..You mentioned Doomsday Machine which have amazing guitars and it is quad tracking ..But on the other hand i think you tend to rec

Minas Kouroglou
Yeah but I like when the bass guitar is a bigger part of the mixes, and with that I think having 2 tracks is definitely enough.

Greetings from Bosnia!I can't really use any other word except awesome to describe your work and interaction with your fans.Anyway, i currently own Yamaha AES-620.It has awesome tone, but it is too ''bulky'' and big.I mostly play black/folk metal.What guitar would you recommend for 500-700 Euros?

Maybe Ibanez Ironlabel(change the pickups though) or the upcoming Washburn stuff!

did you tried an skp pro57 I heard some people claiming that is reaaaally close to the sound of the sm57 and costs waaaaaaaaaay less, if you make a review about it i would be reaaaaally happy cause I'm broke and i can only afford those mics

Ezequiel EscapeArtist Vera
I haven't but it's not like sm57 are that expensive?! You can get used ones for about half the price.
Liked by: TheInsurgent

Hey dude another question about picks. You use pretty light picks compared to most metal guitarists. Is this just something that has always been with you or did you figure out what gauge and shape was right for you over time? Do lighter picks have many advantages over heavier ones like jazz IIIs?

Lee Raeburn
I've always been playing 1.5mm picks and I'm picking hard as F! Then I talked to Nolly about it and he suggested I try playing with thinner gauge picks. And I did and it really helps with the sound for me. Almost acts as a compressor on my playing.

Hey Ola, I am really struggling to get my music out to a decent amount of fans, is there a way i can get my music out there to the audience, if u would like to promote here is my link ahaha : http://seanlewis.bandcamp.com/

Hang on forums, promote your stuff(in a good way) help people out, be a good sport, record videos of yourself playing, offer something different. I know it's hard to get a recognition right now with a saturated market but all the tools are out there.

Hi man!I have a quite unusual question for ya.Have you created your web-site by yourself?If yes,can you advice me where it's better to start cause I'm newbie in that field (despite a year of simple html coding in high school). Thanks!

I haven't designed it for myself, but the reason I didn't was more a time management thing. The site is a simple wordpress format and you can easily build your own if you just spend a little time with it. It's very easy to work with. No coding needed but it's good to know the simple stuff ;)

Greetings Ola!I need an advice.What guitar(mostly for metal) is good and it is included in 500-700 price range(Euro)?

Maybe check out the Ibanez Ironlabel stuff? Or if you have time to wait the upcoming Washburn Parallaxe stuff.

Ola! \m/ I have 3 questions here. 1. Besides standard/drop tuning, are the any kind of tunings you like to use or mess around with? For instance, I like using G C G C F A d. Have you ever used anything like that? 2. What do you think of Animals As Leaders? 3. When are you coming to the states? :D

Nicholas Hannah
1. I usually go for standard tunings, just different keys, right now I write a lot in standard E, D and C# on a six string. 2. I love it, instrumental music is back to stay. 3. Next time will probably be Namm early next year!

Hey ola, what's a good resource to learn how to change pickups and do stuff like parallel wiring and split coil etc. ?

Check out the major companies and their support pages!

Good Morning Ola! How do you feel being a God for so much people?

I'm obviously not a god so I don't think like that, I see it as having a lot of friends that just wants to ask me stuff :)

hey mr ola greetings, which an opinion about hughes & kettner amps Tubemeister 18 and 36? are really versatile? are really good for high gain and shred?

Rodolfo Einstein
to be honest I haven't tried them enough. I would need more time with one to be able to give you a good answer

Hey Ola. How's it going. Just got the Feared picks I ordered in the mail the other day. Thanks a lot man. I'm loving the shape of them but I'm finding the .60mm gauge a bit light for me. I know use InTuneGP so i was just wondering which shape these picks are as I'm looking to make an order of them m

Lee Raeburn
I think they're called Xjj

I need a good allround mic for recording mainly vocals, guitar and brass(!), but there's so many options I don't know where to start. I also have a low budget of under £120. Any recommendations?

Ben Williams
Believe it or not but a SM57 is capable of a lot more than you could think. Also check out Beta 58.

I play guitar and recently discovered with a doctor some losing of my hearing. How high is the volume of you amp during practices? Do you take any precautions with the health stuff? - greetings from brazil! Keep AWESOME

Jonatas Silva da Costa
I know it's cool and awesome to play loud but you have to protect your ears. I have a slight tinnitus since ten years. Nowadays I have molded earbuds. They are definitely worth it.

Hi Ola! Have you ever experienced "writers block"? What tools did you use or where did you draw inspiration from to get past it?

John Guy
I do get writers block. It happens all the time. I just try and listen to new music and get new inspirations! It usually helps my block

Can feared play in my living room? I'll pay you with beer, love and chicken!

I can live on love and chicken but you need to pay the other members of the band some kind of money.
Liked by: prasant bhattarai


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