
Ola Englund

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Hey man ! Do you like Dying Fetus ? Have you checked their latest album ? And last but definitely not least, what do you think of their band name ? :D

François Chagnaud
Hell yeah man I love Dying Fetus, toured with them last year and they are the tightest death metal band out there. Their latest album is brutal as fuck! And the name doesn't bother me. It's just a name
Liked by: prasant bhattarai

Tjenare! Är i behov av din professionella utslagningsröst i ett dilemma jag har. Står och velar mellan en Kemper och en Axe-FX II och kan fan inte bestämma mig. Tänkte använda både live och för att spela in. What's your verdict, vikingbror? /Oliver

Oliver Karlsson
Tja, jag skrev svar på detta i min FAQ http://www.olaenglund.com/faq

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Ola what do you think about the LTD 1000 series? I think im going to buy a MH-1000.

I liked the Evertune fitted one! Except that I don't like the finished neck!

Ola did you start playing metal? If not, what genre did you start playing? I started playing blues and I find that it's been a challenge making a transition to metal. Slowly but surely, I am making progress. Any tips to help me go faster?

Frank Benally
I actually started playing punk. But the majority of my guitar life I've been playing metal. My tip would be to practice playing riffs as tight as you can. For instance take a Fear Factory song, then try and play it as tight as you can :)
Liked by: prasant bhattarai

Hey Ola, what album would you define as being perfect? As in literally nothing to complain about.

Jake Bragg
That's a hard question for sure. Usually there is an album that is perfect sound wise but lacks in the actual music and vice versa. Music wise I think a lot of Dream Theaters albums would come close to perfect, such as Images and Words and Scenes from a Memory. Production wise Doomsday Machine by Arch Enemy is one of my favorites. Andy Sneap is a huge influence when it comes to production. Love what he did for Testament, Nevermore and Arch Enemy back in the early 2000.
Liked by: Alex Doyle

How did you, keith and jeff all become bros

Ross Machala
Interwebs! Keith and I started messaging on Facebook and when we met at Namm 2012 we just hung around a lot and it turned out we have so much in common.

Are you going to introduce the 7 string to the new The Haunted material or you are going to stick with the c# ? I think it would be great to bring the 7 string in !!

Minas Kouroglou
No, we're probably going to stay in the area of D and down to C#. It makes the most sense I don't think going lower is the approach of the band. At least I don't feel like it. I have Feared for the low tuned songs :D

Hi Ola!If someone were to have up to 700-800 euro and was looking to invest into a multieffets pedalboard (eg. HD500X) what would you suggest?A friend of mine owns a HD500 and wasnt happy with the DSP limit. I was thinking about the HDPRO but how can you use it live ,without a pedalboard?Thank you!

Panagiotis Penloglou
Well I guess the HD500X should be a good option since it has more DSP power!

Hey Ola! Big fan, you're s huge influence. Do you have any opinions on eminence speakers, namely the governor model, for post/prog metal? Been looking at upgrades for my homemade cab but V30s are so expensive :-\ thanks for your time!

The Eminence speakers are ok speakers but the Celestions are just so much better. At least that's my opinion!

Hey Ola! I am very much considering buying a BlackKat leon 7, but I haven't got much experirence with BlackKat guitars, though. But you do! How would you compare the BlackKats you've played to some top notch guitar brands like Mayones, or whatever companies you've had good experience with?

They are a good competitor to the more expensive Mayones guitars. And I definitely recommend BlacKat, they aretruly awesome guitars.

how do you make money with music? i know this is a stupid question but other people that makes demos like you have another job

Matteo Rizzi
I reamp, mix and master AND I'm a member of three different bands. It's important to get separate income streams.

What advice do you have for someone who has been playing guitar for a few years now and wants to progress as a guitar player?

Aidan Irrgang
Seek out new bands and seek new inspiration. Listen to new unexplored music. And learn the songs!

I'm a huge fan of the way you record, I think you have a great sound and the way you compose it's great, my question is how can I start recording from home, what do I need? Any advices about a good interface that won't be too expensive or one I can use to make a decent recording homemade thing?

Alan Cross Clownn
Alright I'm going to give an example of a super easy setup:
You would need to have a computer and some sort of audio interface. There are tons of interfaces on the market nowadays and the majority are average so whatever you get it will definitely work. Check out Presonus Audiobox that comes in different sizes and prices.
You would need a DAW such as Logic, Pro Tools etc. I would suggest that you try out Reaper which is free to try and works on both Mac and PC. The DAW themselves are pretty much the same, it's more about finding the one that you work the quickest in. I use Logic cause I've been using it for ages and I work fast in it. Pro Tools is just as good but why would I bother learn it if Logic works so well.
Now for quick plugins for guitar and bass I can't recommend EZ Mix 2 from Toontrack enough. It has plenty of awesome presets for distorted bass and guitar. A good starting point to try out different sounds. There is also a guy called Lepou who has free amp plugins if you just google for it.
For drums I would also use Toontrack EZdrummer or Superior. Definitely get Metal Machine and Metal Foundry pack for tons of awesome metal samples.
With the setup listed above you should be able to reach a great level of quality without spending to much money.

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Hey Ola! So I just picked up an Ibanez Iron Label S 6-string today and I have to say it's incredible for £479. Have you tried the Iron Label series out yet or have any plans to? Would love to see what you could do with it!

callum tiller
I haven't tried the iron label in particular! have to try one!

3 advice for a young metal guitarist ?:D

Kristóf Nagy
1. Don't stop, it will be hard at first but it'll get better.
2. Learn your favorite songs.
3. Make sure you have a good time.
4. repeat!
Oops that's 4

Hey Ola! I've been playing guitar for a long time now, and although I don't seem to face any kind of problems with classical or rock technique, I think I still lack some technical abilities when I have to play metal. What would you recommend? Is buying Petruccis Rock Discipline a good investment?

Juan Manuel Torres García
RockDiscipline is definitely an awesome video for progressive styled playing. I wouldn't say it's super awesome for learning and getting rhythm chops but it's a good start to get an all-round technique.

Hi Ola, could you give me your opinion about the Harley Benton loaded with Celestions V30 that you've got please? Does it worth its price?

Pere Busquets Cayuela
It's definitely worth the price! It's basically the price of two V30 speakers. It's like you get the cab for free!

Hey man, asked you a question earlier today. Alright then in general: Carvin vs Ibanez?

I don't have that much experience with Carvin so I don't know. But I'm a big Ibanez fan so I think I would choose Ibanez anyway :)

Your music sound a lot like Pantera, Crowbar, etc which are american bands, do you have some scandinavian musical influences like Children Of Bodom, In Flames, etc.. too?

I'm heavily influenced by American bands like Pantera, Machine Head, Nevermore. Among Scandinavian metal Entombed is on top of my list, Pain of Salvation, Opeth, Meshuggah, The Haunted, At the Gates, Bloodbath are among some of the others that rules.

Second question: Is Korea made guitars better-quality etc- than China or Indonesia made guitars? I mean Schecter guitars produced in Korea, China and Indonesia, because of it i am asking it...

To be honest I don't know, but in general I've found Indonesian-built guitars being the best. But I've have had good Korean and Chinese guitars also

First of all, congratulation for your works and what you achieved, you're a great guy and I appreciate everything you do, both the music you make and the awesome way you interact with fans. Then: any chance to find you hanging around at Getaway Fest- Gävle? Tack so mycket :D

thanks buddy, unfortunately I wont attend Getaway this year.

Hi, Ola! I plan on purchasing a new amp to upgrade from my Peavey Vypyr 75, and I have no idea what I should buy, (combo or head/cab, brand, model, etc.). I mainly play progressive, melodic death metal and thrash (Nevermore, Scar Symmetry, Exodus..). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jacob Nates
Check out the new Randall Diavlo stuff ! That will be more than enough for the style you play!


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