
Ola Englund

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Hey Ola, what do you recommend for me to learn how to mix properly (EQ and such)?

Walter White
Trial and error. Read books, forums etc. While I go by the "there are no rules" formula, it's good to have the basics covered. There are many good books out there on recording and mixing. I learned a lot myself form hanging, asking questions, and helping people at the Andy Sneap forum. There are a lot of tutorials there that are great!

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Do you have a normal day job or do you just rock all day long?

Since 2012 I don't have a "regular" day job. That doesn't mean I rock out all day. I have to work all the time to try and receive an income that so I can go on and survive each month. I make just a fraction of what I earned at my regular job, but it's all worth it in the end. I'm basically living my dream!

What's your favourite beer?

James Bettencourt
Whatever's closest to my hand really. I'm not a beer connoisseur, I enjoy all kinds of beer but enjoy lagers the most. I drink Stella Artois, Heineken, Staropramen are among the ones I drink the most. People enjoy to bash other people for what beer they drink calling them piss or whatever but I've always felt there's been more important stuff to worry about.

Line 6 Spider amps have a pretty bad reputation, do you think it's deserved?

I don't think it's deserved and I'll tell you why. Line6 Spider amps are amps that are supposed to be cheap entry level stuff. For that they are awesome, for someone starting out playing guitar they are perfect. You don't have to shell out a lot of money and they sound ok.
It's when people think that they will get a sound that competes with +500€ amps that they get bad rep. Just don't expect to get more than what you pay for.

So Ola, since you have an Axe FX unit, I have to wonder. Do you prefer anolog equipment or processing units such as POD Pro and Axe FX?

Kacper Pacholak
Depends, with sound in mind, I still think the real amps do sound and feel better. I record them better and they sound more genuine. With that said, processors like Axe Fx and Kemper sound better and better and you can't deny the fact that it's a lot less to carry around rather than to bring an amp and cab to a live gig. My problem is that I can't settle for less than the best when playing so I definitely put out the extra effort to bring my own amp to a gig. For fly in gigs I usually use the backline rig(usually a Dual Rectifier) and just bring a overdrive.
Liked by: Kacper Pacholak

Ola, i just want to say, that you're a great guy... :) you help people in need, giving them useful info, and you give people advises... not many people do that, and that's why i respect you very much! :) + you're a great player and writer... that's all i want to say bro, stay strong! :) \m/

Mike Red
Liked by: Mike Red

Hi Ola! What strings do you prefer for 7-string standard and drop A?

Nik Larionov
I will answer this but I just want to point out the importance of also incorporate scale length when asking this question. Different strings and gauges will have different tension in different scale lengths. The longer the scale length , the tighter the tension of the strings. So I can't just give you the perfect string gauge without knowing your guitar scale length. Heck I'm not even sure what the "perfect" gauge is for every available scale length.
What I know is that with 27.5" scale length(the scale of my S7G Solar7) I use 008 to 060 in string gauge for drop A. That's what I consider perfect for my style of playing and for that scale length. For 25.5" scale length you would need to use a thicker gauge to have as tight tension as with a 27.5" scale length. So for 25.5" I would say 009 to 064 would be something that would suit good for the scale length. It's all personal preference though. To see what fits you and your playing I would just try different sets and see which one works for you.

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haha Whoops! Got carried away! I asked if you find Re-Amping to have any affect on the amps tone at all or if you use it strictly for being able to swap amp sounds.

Sam Delanoe
It does have an effect, it's never going to be exactly the same as tracking a guitar into amp. Usually tracking an amp direct with a guitar rather than DI gives maybe 5-10% extra punch that you can't get with a reamp box.
But the benefits from recording a DI and to be able to dial an amp or switch amp sound when mixing is just worth so much more.

hello mr ola!! greetings from venezuela mycuestion is: had been thinking about the engl e 530 preamp + tc electronic g major 2 + some cab with celestion. There is something better than this for $ 1,200? I like to play metal (dream theater, scar simmetry,and high gain shred) Thanks for you time.

Rodolfo Einstein
Maybe check out some of the cheaper Randalls instead or even a EVH 5153 50W combo.
And with what you suggest getting you would still need a poweramp to play loud.

Hey Ola! You said you'd upgraded to Logic Pro X, how are you liking it? Anything to make it worth the $200 upgrade? Thanks!

Josh Wildhorn
I like it a lot. I had a hard time with the key commands until I changed it back to the Logic9 key-setup.

Hi Ola! Man, you're awesome. I love your riff's and melodies, totally blow my mind up. I love when Keith and you play together, it's amazing! I play guitar almost 4 years ago and I aspire to be a great musician and I wish to play with the big ones, like you, Keith and Jeff! Keep on rocking! Cheers!

Joel Loomis
Cheers buddy! <3
Liked by: Joel Loomis

Hi Ola! Can I first start by saying THANK YOU! You and your videos have honestly changed my entire approach to music and made me 10000x better at what I'm trying to do! Furor hasn't left my car CD player since February and I'm sure will remain in their for a long looong time!! The question I have i

Sam Delanoe
Hey Sam, thanks man, but I can't even read the question :D
Liked by: Samuli Rönkkö

Hola Ola.(shame on me!) First of all, I must thank you!! Thank you to making me discover IntuneGP (with Feared albums) They kick ass.. I never thought I would play with .6mm thickness! I want a new amp and I can't choose between Thrasher or D-moll? I can't test. Or maybe Randall will sell the Satan?

Greg Oberson
Definitely go with the Randall stuff, both the Thrasher and Satan will be available soon.

Hey, Ola Im currently trying to record some of the music I've been making and uploading to soundcloud. But a problem I've been having is that Im struggling to get the mix right. My guitars sound quite good, but the bass doesnt sit right, any tips for a newbie? And any tips for adjusting the amp?

Håkon B
Let the bass guitar have it's own range and bring down the overall bass on the guitars. Also be sure to compress/limit the bass guitar so it gets an even bass frequency response. Good luck!
Liked by: Håkon B

Hey Ola, how´r you doing?When on tour, do you have a guitar tech with you or do you set up all your babies yourself? Is it a huge difference, to tour with the likes of The Haunted or SFU on the one hand,and your own endevour Feared on the other hand, concerning your involvement in the whole process?

Senior Grey
I'm not at that level that I have my own tech, so I do mostly everything myself, and I don't mind really! I'm a control freak so setting everything up myself keeps me in control :) With SFU we have overall crew and tech that loads in and out, so all I have to do is connect the stuff.

Sup Ola, love your music man! A big question for me is, how do you get that super bad ass and 'throaty' sound tone if you know what I mean, In all of your amp tests etc. in every single one of them i hear that sort of sound and whenever i hear it in other guitarists (which is rare) i think of you!!

It might be a the way I pick. The way I pick definitely shines through every amp I play. It's a scratchy kind of sound. Also picking hard will definitely help out with a more punchy throaty sound,

Hey, Ola. What's your opinion on mixing different speakers in the same cabinet? I'm looking for a full and wide sound. Is it better to just make them all the same? I'm using Vintage 30s by the way.

Eric Sala
It's definitely a good idea to mix it up a bit, the possibilities are endless. I just use V30 cause I like the sound so much, but If I start combining speakers I know I would go on for ever so that's why I'm not doing it :)

I am thinking about buying Line 6 POD HD Pro, Line 6 412 Cab and American Audio VLP300 power amp in order to play live and record stuff. My question is, did you ever used HD Pro in live shows and do i have to turn off cab emulations since i will use real cab or i can keep it on and mix them? Cheers!

Predrag Bajic
The Pod HD Pro I had was a borrowed unit so I never used it in a live situation. IF you're going to use a power amp and cab you would need to turn off the cab emulation.

Hey Ola, how's it going? I love you're riffs man, you've definitely got you're own style which is awesome. When I write I'm rarely happy 'cus it sounds totally unoriginal to me. Did you ever feel like this back when you started writing? Any insight into writing for a riff noob? cheers!

Matt Hardcastle
Thanks buddy, it's hard being original today and I don't consider myself or my songs being original at all. BUT with that said I have a clear goal of what I like and how my band should sound. And with that focus it might look like I'm original but it's all a facade... LOL.
What I'm trying to say is don't waste too much time trying to make everything you do sound original, try to have more fun instead! Just keep letting your favorite bands inspire you and eventually you'll get your own sound.
Liked by: Mike Red Dans Huang


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