
Ola Englund

Ask @OlaEnglund

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Hey man, I have a Gruv Gear fretwrap, and I noticed you and Keith actually place it over the nut. How does it help when placed that way?

It removes and mutes headstock string ringing.

For tight djont, to thick br00t4lz death metal, what would you suggest, Zilla, Nomades, Hesu, or just matching 2x12 for an EVH 5150 III mini.

Terran MacKay
I wouldn't say the cab is what makes a tight ultra death metal sound. That's the amp. A cab can have tight bass but it doesn't make an amp tighter. Other than that all the ones you mention are good but get at least a 2x12.
Liked by: Terran MacKay

Hey ola, personally as someone who prefers rhythm playing, I really love your style of playing especially, and when I also heard you lead i really liked it for the fact that its not overwhelming or excessive. How did you develop your lead skills and what techniques do you utilize the most?

Corporal Jigosre Quandary
I listened a lot to John Petrucci and Dream Theater, Jeff Loomis of Nevermore etc. That definitely helped me out at least. Check out Rock Discipline by John Petrucci.
Liked by: Robert Percy

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Hi Ola! If you have to choose a guitar, an amp and a pedalboard for the rest of your life? What do you choose?

Johnny Sins
Hmmm hard question, amp would definitely be the Randall Satan. Pedalboard? like digital amp? I would probably bring an axe fx or a kemper

What's the most surprising band you listen to?

Mitchell Gruen
Hmmm maybe Tim Christensen. He's a singer songwriter guy, but his stuff is amazing, check out Honeyburst or Secrets on Parade

What's your favourite acoustic? I've always been an electric player (mainly schecter) but I dream about the day I can afford a Taylor 414CE

I'm a big fan of Martin guitars. I used to work at the Swedish dealer for Martin so I got a chance to try a LOT of them. Never owned one though, they're too expensive.

¿Which LACE pickup do you prefer or what do you think could be your favorite?

To be honest I haven't tried to many of them. But I think I like the X-bars the most out of the few I've tried.

Any tips for getting my 6 string eps ltd ec-401 down to low tunings? It's currently at drop A but very unstable, even after a set up. Can't afford a baritone :(

Jamie Phillips
I guess just use thicker strings, aint that much you can do than that really. Still have a problem with it? Probably a good time to get a longer scaled guitar.

Hi Ola, I really want to try an Evertune bridge equipped guitar. Are those Washburn Parallaxe PXM10 guitars going to have Evertune bridges? I'd buy one in a heartbeat.

Kentucky Thrash
No those wont have the evertune bridge. But maaaybe the upcoming Washburn Solar will :)
Liked by: Robert Percy

How do you record your videos? I mean you record the audio and video separately? And them sync them? Do you record the audio and video simultaneously or at different times? I too wanna record high quality videos but can't get around to doing it. Thanks in advance :)

Dhruv Rajpal
Hey buddy, I have a tutorial about this on my YouTube channel!

Hi, Ola, sorry for disturbing. My question is not a question, it's an observation ahaha I think we are identical, but i'm a girl and i haven't got a beard ahahahah

Anna Chiara Vaccaro
Like appearance wise? I want to see a picture!

If Feared got offered to play at UK Tech Metal Fest would you consider it?

Robert Percy
Definitely! We've actually been talking about it with the UK tech guys. I think more people need to request us to play there :)
Liked by: Robert Percy

When I download your patches for the Axe FX the tone is no where near what it sounds like in your videos. What am I missing? I play the AXE FX direct into a FRFR monitor. Just seems super thin. Any suggestions?

Tim Bulkley
The patches aren't designed for FRFR monitors. I design them to sound good in recordings. And in my recordings the bass guitar does all the fullness bass stuff. You would need to add a lot of bass to the patch. Also as with every guitar and player you will need to adjust the gain to your fingers and guitar. Hope this sheds some light!

Ola, I've always wondered how you manage to make your double tracked guitars sound more massive than any Sextuple tracked song I've ever recorded. Any pointers? I switch between a Pod HD direct or DI recordings run through vstis. Is it in the mastering or in the mix? Much love from India <3

David Daimary
It's the bass guitar. The secret is a meaty/Grindy bass guitar in the center. Check out my bass recording tutorial on YouTube. That's how I do it!

The first time i saw you I was like OMG an amazing rhythm player..But then as i got to know you better i also really loved your leading playing as well ! Did you take guitar lessons ? What was your practice protocol like and how much time did you practice per day ?? You are a real inspiration man .

Minas Kouroglou
Thanks buddy!
When I was starting out I did take beginner lessons just to get going but after that I'm mainly self taught. I've never had a practice routine, I've been more about teaching myself songs by ear. Learning other people's songs has always been a good way for me to get better and progress. And as a result I think I've become a better writer than player. I'm not a technical player at all, I have so many flaws that I don't work on because to be honest that's not why I'm playing guitar. I don't strive to be a better guitar player. The guitar is more of a tool for me to make music really. I admire guitar writers more than technical guitar players. That doesn't mean I don't like shredders. I'm just a bigger fan of composition.
Then there are people that have a combo of both qualities. People like Per Nilsson and John Petrucci. I admire those guys a lot!!!

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Liked by: Robert Percy

Hey Ola it's me again. First ; thank you for your answer, you're such a nice guy without get big-headed. Second thing : I miss you when you came at Guitar Candy (yeah I'm Belgian \m/).. Hope you gonna come again. Third and last thing : what's your favorite beer EVER ?

Dude as soon as Bart arranges another event count me in!
Favorite beer is hard man there are so many good ones. It's like with strings I just grab whatever's around and I'm happy :)
Liked by: Fredixxx


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