Ask @Oloni

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Why is "body count" such a big deal to everyone?

It's a big deal to some because they feel entitled your sexual history before they take that next step. Stupid really. Find out more in my latest book 'The Number Between Her Legs'

We treat each other like we're in a relationship but we're not - do I just tell him I'm his girl or just carry on?

LOL! Don't tell him you're his girl. Discuss it, unless he's specifically said he doesn't want a relationship, talk to him about it before he gets too comfortable.

I like a guy who has made it clear he doesn't like me but I can't stop talking to him so I'm stuck falling more and more into madness with him. Help

Why are you talking to someone who has made it clear they do not like you in that way? Spend that time meeting someone else.

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hi Oloni I haven't read your book but last week the guy I've been on a few dates with asked about how many guys ive had sex with. You can imagine my surprise. I kept saying it was not his business but he insisted saying he'd tell me his. We haven't spoken since, and i feel stupid like what do i do?

You did the right thing by telling him it wasn't any of his concern. He also sounds annoying by being push & not accepting what you told him. Wait for him to contact you because he's in the wrong that's PRIVATE! And to those who haven't read The Number Between Her Legs >>>>

Me and my boyfriend had a pregnancy scare he is now saying he doesnt want to have sex? What do you advise because i think he is being selfish

He probably needs a bit to get over the scare. You haven't said how long it's been, however I say you give him time. Sit & talk to him, after all this affected you both.

So I am on my second date and he mentions that he is bisexual but has never slept with another man and wouldn't unless it was serious. He has a lot of qualities that I want in a man but this threw me left field and now I am conflicted as to weather I can date an openly bisexual man. What would u do?

I'd honestly be uncomfortable but be glad he was honest it's entirely up to you. He's not saying he wants an open relationship with you & another guy. He's dating you ONLY and saying he has other preferences.

When do you think is the right time to kiss a guy you started seeing ? I've had 2 dates with him now

When it feels right!

who in your opinion are the hottest female celebs at present and why? :)

Angelina Jolie, Beyonce, Kerry Washington & Vashtie.

This guy and I both want each other. When I wanted him he 'wasn't about that life'. Now roles reversed he wants me and I'm reluctant. My heart wants him but I don't want us to have sex. My feelings run deeper & he says 'he's not about that life' - do I just take the risk or keep it platonic??

Keep it platonic. This whole dilemma is contusing and sounds like you're both playing games.

I've been seeing a guy for a year, he said he doesn't want a relationship before but he treats me like his girlfriend eg dates, romatic gestures/presents.. I'm confused and getting tired. What's going on and what should I do? I can't just stay a 'babes' forever

If he doesn't want to commit, it's probably because he wants to have his cake and eat it. You're an option right now.

So I want this guy. He 'claims' he wants me. I don't want other girls around him but at the same time I don't want it all to end in tears. I'm having my cake & eating it or should I just go for it???

i don't understand what youre asking.

I don't if I'm going through a phase but recently had sex with a woman & I can't get it outta my head. Am I lesbian?

Not necessarily, you could just be experimenting with your sexuality and be bi-curious.

Interesting. The status of women socially is changing in some treacherous way, I think advanced by social media. Do you see women and men ever standing on the same platform in terms of the number between either male or female legs?

Of course it's already happening. Times are changing, we're becoming more accepting of it, however this can't be said for different places all over the world.

What inspired you to write this book?

I think it was mostly due to the double standards of a society. I wanted women to know that there was nothing wrong in exploring the fuck out of their sexuality. I was tired of seeing women and men slut shaming a woman just because she enjoys sex.. That's pretty much it. But my book here 'The Number Between Her Legs'

advice for an awkward late bloomer with how to get in a relationship?

Work on yourself till you bump into mr/mrs right.

Don't you think that if someone doesn't genuinely put in effort in a relationship then there's no point asking them to put in more effort because they should already want to do it without being asked to do it?

There's nothing wrong with communicating you want more effort being put into a relationship if you're with someone. It's if they listen which is the dilemma

Hi Oloni so i read your book last night. I'm glad cus my boyfriend of 3 years thinks my "body count" is 8 when its in the mid 30s. I don't regret it, but feel guilty for lying. Should i tell him?

It's entirely up to you. You owe him nothing, because he's 1. your boyfriend 2. it's personal & for those who haven't read my e-book yet. Check out The Number Between Her Legs available ONLY here>

Okay so I like someone and I feel like they somehow feel the same way but we don't know how to start the convo first. I don't mind approaching them first but I'm just what do I say? And another thing is I only see them at uni so I'm always with my friends and vice versa.

Just be extra friendly when you see him. Always being with your friends is perfect for this stage too it;s always awkward when you're by yourself.

.. It still doesn't feel like a normal thing to meet via online to me. It's so taboo and I'm so baffled at myself for feeling so strongly about someone I don't even know, who doesn't even know I exist. I was going to ask advice on how to approach this but actually how do I get over this? Feels silly

You have a huge crush my dear! And there's nothing wrong with that, you haven't got anything to get over, because you don't actually know this person. If you don't want to actually get to know this guy, then simply unfollow them.

Hello, so I really like this guy. But I don't know him. I mean I only know of him via online platforms. Is it wierd to feel such a way about someone never even met? When I've interacted with him, no replies and then I feel really embarassed...


I've been seeing this guy we are both at uni and have a job so we are quite busy all the time we talk everyday but i still try to make an effort to spend time with him but he's always busy and I feel like he isn't putting in effort. I wanna complain but I dont wanna stress him out. Am I being silly?

Of course not. Just address it without arguing.


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