Ask @Oloni

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hi oloni, i recently met someone on tinder and we've been talking/seeing each other for a couple of weeks. because i have NEVER had a serious bf could you maybe write a blog on how a relationship evolves , as i have no idea what to expect.

Of course!x

What are your views on interfaith relationships?

I don't have any. As long as you both love and respect each others faith.

Me and my boyfriend have been going out for over a year but doesn't tell people he has a girl. He says that people don't need to know. When I told him how I feel about this he said I'm just tying to control his life. What do I do?

Dump him. Honestly that's bullshit. This isn't a form of privacy it's secrecy. Let this one go.

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My ex and I have been on and off for about 3 years. How can I stop myself from getting back with him! Iv grown up and he's taken steps back he's not what I want in a partner yet I always get back with him I don't wanna settle anymore but I say this every single time does this mean I love him?

3 years of course you love him. That or you're settling for what you're familiar with. Too familiar. Write a list of what you want in a guy & be bold and brave enough to leave what is not moving forward.

How do you know if a christian man is being nice to you or if he actually likes you?

A Christian man is no different from a non-believer. The same rules still apply. Time will tell.

I guess what I'm asking here is am I wasting my time, have I damaged it? Infidelity is huge and most don't come out successful right?

Infidelity can cause so much damage. Trust issues appear, a change in behaviour with him is definitely going to happen. However, cheating doesnt been a relationship ends. With some it's just paused, and doesnt move till both people are ready to move forward and carry on. Is it a front? Possibly but that's how he's handling it. The best thing you can do is show him through your behaviour why he should stay. Be patient, time will give you the answers you need.

I cheated on him some months ago, we had been together 2 years and now we are back together in what seems much stronger. He said he's forgiven me, I've changed my ways and he has changed his (in what pushed me away) - I can only imagine his pain but is this just a front? I still feel tensions


I like my girl but im a sex addict and she aint that freaky and has a low drive. I dont wana break up coz of sex.. thats just deep. What should i do

Talk to her about it, im sure if you explained it to her as you have with me, she'd want to please you more. What woman doesn't to?

How do I go about letting a guy know that I'm not interested in him if he just wants sex? We can be friends but I just don't want his attention if it's only for my body if you get it?

Yes I do. Say nothing unless he's always being suggestive. Usually a guy will get the hint when he sees his passes arent being reciprocated or laughed at. If he doess continue, just be straight & say you only want to be friends if he can handle friendship alone.

I need your help quick. I dont know where to take my gf to. Pls give me an idea apart from the standard restaurant, cinema and bowling idea.

What does she like to do? You can take her out of town and find something romantic to do this weekend. Have spa trip and do dinner. Yes a restaurant, listen it's valentines day women want food.

So this guy found me on FB. I was reluctant but we got speaking and we've been messaging and skyping everyday since. He works abroad and I want to go visit him ASAP. I feel naturally drawn to him and every time we Skype I just feel something strong. Do I take the risk and go?

How long have you been talking for? I would suggest you go there with someone else for your own safety. This isn't someone who lives out of town, it's another country. I'd also say wait 9months- to a year to make such a big decision like that.

I'm so tired of guys only hinting that they want sex, what can I do to change that I am actually ready for a serious relationship

Meet more people and make your intentions clear when you start seeing someone.

and I just couldn't handle the guilt of being with someone I don't deserve. I don't want to go back because I don't want to disrupt his life and mess him around, so how do I deal with the guilt, learn from it and move on? I continuously beat myself over it.

You beat yourself up over it because you know you made a horrible decision especially since you've been/known each other for quite some time. He wasn't a guy you dated for a few months and cheated on, theres a lot of history there, memories I'm guessing too. The best way to move past this is to write down why you did it & why could never do it again. Forgive yourself and remember your actions only define you if it's continuous. ( in my opinion anyway) From your question I don't think it is, you made a bad decision and that's fine. Give yourself time to learn from it & you'll be okay.

It's been almost two years since me and my first love split, I still can't get over him. We go way back (I was 15 when we first met, now I'm 23) we were on and off for a while, but I didn't break up with him because I stopped loving, I cheated on him (I was honest and told him straight away) +


How soon is to soon to have sex with some one your dating or does it depend on how much you like the partner ? Or would you suggest. A time limit

When you're ready.

My bf is always spending time with his boys now and never makes time for us. Everytime I complain he says im being too needy. But I hardly see him, his always with his mates getting drunk. What can I do??

Talk to him again, sit him down. Explain that you don't like the state of your relationship break down how him spending time with his friends more than you will push you away. If nothing changes think about other options such as leaving. You can't date him & his friends.

How would you improve your sex? Like any personal ideas that have worked for you?

Improve your sex? Kegel exercises & learn more about your body and your gspots.

Got into a relationship with this guy, we had sex and we haven't spoke since then it's only been a day but considering he would ring me almost 3 times a day before and now nothing, tried ringing no answer, am I over analysing it ? If I text him what should I say or should I just wait a bit.

Give it a week before you decipher his behaviour.

Well done on your event !!!! Hope you'll be doing it again for 18+ we need some love aswell haha ... Keep it up darlin

Thank you :-) x

..telling me something is going on, but I really don't deserve this:( I've been the best friend I can be to her and I've done everything in my power to be a good girlfriend to him:(

That was immature give them both space. She did the exact opposite of what you mentioned.

I was the one that asked you the question bout my bestfriend being too close with my boyfriend. I spoke to her today and the first thing she done is called him and told him I've upset her and he think I'm being crazy and assuming things, I don't want to make a big deal out of it but my heart is...



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