
Omar ELRayes

Ask @OmarElrayes

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Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

NOOOO it's not right
they got their lives too ... have u ever thought how are they ? what they feel ?
being away from ur family and friends so people can laugh at u of throw pop corn at u
it sux
Liked by: Hazem Elsb3

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it's in the fridge maaan .... and don't forget to turn the kitchen lights off

Are you addicted to drugs?

The only drug I know is dubsteb ...... oh wait there is another one ... it's called drum step ^_^

More embarrassing situation in your life??????

said stupid thing (don't remember really what was it ) in front of a lot of girls in the bus

What is your favorite animated cartoon?

I don't like cartoon .... it's for children ..... however I like anime a lot and my favorites are naruto , DBZ and One piece


Language: English