
♤ El.Mza7ii ♤

Ask @PeacockxD

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5 stuff you love to do and 5 you hate to do? and why ;p

love stuff :
1- i love to hanging out with friends
2- i love to running on treadmill when i'm lestining to a hit songs
3- i love to get Ppl attention
4- i love to shopping when i got high budjet
5- i love to make friendships
hate stuff :
1- hate lestining to someone racist
2- disccus with cursing
3- i hateto go out when i'm ugly looking
4- i hate to be judged through my look
5- i hate loose friends and trust

l ​​​​​هذا رقم الشخص.0500840102فهد الشاوي أقسم بالله العظيم انه رأى الرسول في المنام وقال له الرسول بلغ المسلمين عني فمن ينشرها يفرح فرحآ شديد ومن يتجاهلها فسوف يحزن حزنا شديد لا اله الا انت سبحانك انت ربي فاغفرلي اني كنت من الظالمين ارسلها الى 25 شخص وسوف تسمع خبر مفرح الليل<<على ذمة الراوي

Fuck off -_-' .. i want to hear bad news
what kind of crap are you saying ?
who suppose to believe such a bulshit O.o..!

First ; She got married to a christian guy not girl (just saying) :p 2nd ; Well Everyone Thinks That they are brothers bcuz the b,c on bbm says that they are brothers ,so ppl just read it and didnt lsn well to the video . lol

yeah yeah it's was mis-spiling
but i've modified it .. uhaa , no i didn't Recive this B.C xD

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6ffGKUgjUI&feature=player_embedded !! UR Opinion of these two !!! :S

Angelica ♥
Why do they have to marry each other ..?!
we're getting married just to do not break our religion laws
i know that we may love someone follow another religion .. but if it's would be against our religion
we must leave it , cuz we're here for a goal not to live
we're gonna truly live in the heaven in sha allah

You opinion on the new tumblr layout ?

well m first i didn't liked it .. Bcuz of the followers button
but know i've found out that's it's more cool
especially the PostEditor ..<3 <3 3

اكثر شي : يبسطك - يعصبك - يضحكك- يخليك منغلقه - يصدمك -يخجلك ?

1- يبسطني : اني اكون وسط اهلي و اصحابي و يكونون راضين عني
2- يعصبني : لما اكون ادور حاجه و الباقين جالسين و لا احد يفكر يساعدني
3- يضحكني : امم مافي شي محدد اي شي يضحك
4- يخليني منغلق : لما اكون متضايق ما احب اشوف احد او اكلم احد و لا احد يمر من قدامي احب اكون لوحدي
5- يصدمني : الناس الي ماخذين اكبر حيز من حياتي هم الاقدر على انهم يصدموني بانهم يغيرون الصوره الي فبالي لهم <3
6- يخجلني : لما احد يمدحني قدام احد او اقول شي ماله داعي و احاول ارقع


Language: English