
♤ El.Mza7ii ♤

Ask @PeacockxD

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مبرووووك مبرووووك مبروووك مبرروك مبروك الفرحه فرحتنا والللليليه ليلتنا والله مدري ايش بس مبروك مبروك ☺

ههههههههههههههههههه يلا عقبال ما اتخرج و اخذ ام عيالي ❤ و نهج برا

lw wa7d/a t3rfh/t3rfeha bs mo mra tth8/e feh/a w 6lb/t mnk she 5a9 fek/e bt36eh/a wla la , w e4a la lesh ? :D

Akeed la , Laesh a36ih ..?!
Liked by: Habadi

meh, don't forget, they're Muslim girls, is that something any Muslim girl would do? showing her tits and ass? as I said, it's not freedom, they don't have any self-respect, not all of them, but most of them are like this and you know that very well.

well , i might agree with you there is girls showing their bodies which it's quit disgusting
but they're not the Majority but just cuz they're saudis it's feels to like they're so many and that's it's a huge sin while other muslims girls all over the world probably do much more pervert stuff in Public and shameless in front of the world
look at them as muslim girls not to their race cuz in the end they're girls like any other girls
i'm not trying to justify them they're sinful and wrong , but don't we see that when other arab ans muslim girls do the same ?!

اممم انا اعتبر الناس الغريبين فيهم شي مميز ...ممكن يطلع منكـ اشياء اكثر من هيك وتصير نقطه للفت الانظار ...هذا انت ...

يمكن !
بس انا مو هدفي الفت انظار .. انا هدفي اكون شي مميز و ناجح :)
Liked by: Juju ✨


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