

Ask @QueenAG

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Best relationship you have ever been in besides your current one?

Well if they were good I'd still be in them right ? My current is the best . But if I had to choose - Ben Richardson .

Why the Gators suck at everything?

oh . must be a hater . check the stats & check YO team . compare, and lemme know .

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Junior year, before your bf?

Except Latraell, I really don't remember . . . There were probably more from Sophmore year too .

Best white guy friend that doesn't go to newton? lol.

hm , lol . MATTHEW CHRISTOPHER AUTRY . he's my best guy friend period though .

What song makes you want to dance?

What makes every female wanna dance ? Pop That X French Montana . Whatchuuu twerkin wittttttttt ?

Are you going to act like something you're not when you get to college, too?

Cute ^ I don't "act" I am who I am . If you weren't assuming and knew the real me you'd know that . So obviously you aren't someone important to me or you'd know me better . Thanks for the assumption though .

Do you like mrs buttersworth or aunt jemima syrup ?

I hate syrup , and everything you put syrup on, pancakes, waffles, etc.. SO neither .

Why you not my BFF ???? That shit ducked up and I said ducked up

Lmao , I am your BFF . Only one person says ducked up , so I know exactly who this is .

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