

What others replied to:

[1]Age? _ [2] Fav color? _ [3] Height? _ [4] Single? _ [5] Best Memory? _ [6] Color Underwear right now? _ [7] Last kiss? _ [8] last hug? _ [9] Crush? _ [10] Kisses or Cuddles

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I am 14 my favorite color is teal I am 5'4 and I am taken. I don't have a best memory. My underwear isn't your business. Can't remember my last hug or kiss. My crush is my boyfriend and I don't have a preference of kisses or cuddles...
I’m 15 . My favorite colors is blue and red. My height is different according to how you measure me but I’m atleast 6.1 and almost 6.3 . Yes I’m single. Was me being with my friends and all of us hanging around a bomb fire. Red underwear 🧐🤨. Haven’t really been kissed in like a year or two. My mom gave me a hug earlier. Don’t really have a crush on anyone unless I know them, I’ve seen some cute girls but I’ve instantly lost all interest based off personality. Very hard one but I love to cuddle.
i’ll be 17 next week.
coral and turquoise.
kinda, but talking to someone
tbh probably hoco this year
light pink
bryce 🥰
1) 15
2) Black
3) 5'4 and a quarter
4) Single
5) Getting my hamster
6) Rather not say that's really personal
7) A year ago
8) A couple days ago
9) Another personal thing I'd rather not say
10) Cuddles

Language: English