
Ron Ulysse

Ask @RonUlysse

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How much do you love apples????

Very very very much.!!! ^_^ You might be one of the ones who owes me one. .

Why you do your girlfriend so right?

I don't know I Love her and she deserves my doing right by her. <3

Your just so laid back and chill and like you don't hide the fact that you really really love your girlfriend

Lol why thank you and naw I ain't gonna hide it it's just the respect she deserves. . <3

Dreams as in BOTH (Sleep&Future)

I dream about my girlfriend mostly all the time but other than that my dreams sometimes come out weird and it shows me in an all white room just staring at walls thinking until I wake up. . ? But yeah my dreams for the future is to become a professional athlete and I have an opportunity to make that dream into reality right now so I'm taking it . . But I just want to make it to college and become a successful CPA and just not become another statistic. .

What's wrong? And if it's about that Anthony boy down there you don't gotta worry bout him cause if your girlfriend loves you the way you seem to love her she won't go out on that date but if she does she's a FOOL and a BITCH.

Lol awww thank you <3 I like you. . that made me feel better but I ain't even tripping. . :D

At the end of the day it's your "girlfriend's" decision that matters I just asked you to respect her wishes but you listen hear BITCH it's going to happen either way.

Bet. .

My name is Anthony

Thanks for having the courage to ask ME "Anthony" but HELL FUCK NAW GTFOH BITCH.!! You gonna have to either come SEE me about that "date" or Burn it. . Don't come at me sideways again please. .

Yeah pregnant I thought that's why she hasn't really been seen …

Lmfaoo naw she ain't pregnant. .

Can I ask elmause out on a date?

I gotta know who you are before you do I might regret my answer. .

Ex you would take back if you and elmause never dated?

Ummm actually I couldn't be sure cause who knows what would've happened but then again I would have to say none of them. . They're exes for a reason. .


Language: English