
Ron Ulysse

Ask @RonUlysse

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How was your freshman year overall? And any advice?

My freshman year was AMAZING and complicated. . I wish I could have it back . .But anyways advice for the upcoming freshman:
Don't change just because you're in high school you're still the same person on the inside so don't be what you aren't. .Keep your head in the books and out of the bullshit. And ultimately: MAKE SOMETHING OUTTA YOURSELF. .!

What was the best day of your freshman year?

The best day of my freshman year was ummmm I don't know probably the first day I guess the year was great overall I can't pic one day out of the year. .

Who you kiking? Can I have your number?

Umm I'm kiking Nicka, Andy, and Christley but I don't have a phone right now but you can kik me @ Truly_Bvsed

How you like your pussy?

Fat as.f.!! Enough to drown in. . ;) I ain't Lil Wayne so I don't do "furry"

If you invented a monster what would you call it?

I invented myself and just like the cookie monster they call me the Pussy Monster. . :D FOOLIN

Random Tbh: Your super tall and funny and your cute and you give the bestest of hugs and lastly you and your girlfriend are the CUTEST best of luck

Lol Awwww thank you.!! ^_^

Do you still smoke?? And if I passed the blunt would you take a hit?

No I'm a year and a month sober. . If you passed it then naw I wouldn't. . I got a future to worry about. . .
Liked by: Christine Deneus

How do you feel about virgins and their virginity?

Virgins are . . Ehhh I don't know. . I definitely respect them for trying to keep the prized possession of virginity for as long as they do and I respect them for waiting on someone they could fall in Love with and know they're the right person. .

sooo I guess you forgot about me *sighs*

My bad Nicka my kik acting up. >_< I'll text you. . what was your number again.?

Thanks for answering my questions and I'm happy for you and her you seem pretty happy

Lol why thank you and any time friend. . ! I am happy thanks for asking. . (:


Language: English