
Kasper Holmberg

Ask @SanguineSage

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Splurge a little and get PS3 and a PS4! Howaboutit

I won't get a PS4 until' it gets some games that appeal to me! But when they hit the shelves I'll definitely look into investing into one!
Liked by: Chris Andre Aakre

What should I get my girlfriend for christmas?

If this is a serious question. Sit down for a while and reconsider your relationship. You seem to be doing something wrong. Maybe you should consider talking abit more with her, and if that doesn't seem all that appealing, well I've got bad news for you.

When i've seen your Gintama cosplay with Joss and Patrick i wanted to see that anime. So, i love you, well to Gin-san...and you, but Gin-san too. Whatever, can you show me a picture of that cosplay? (Any who haven't posted on the internet, please)

Titan Sumi
Thank you! I'm really glad we could inspire you to watch Gintama! It's my favorite series so the more people that watch it and enjoy it the better! I don't have any photos of my cosplay that's not on the internet already unfortiounately. But you can have my favorite picture from the photoshoot we had! It pretty much explains the essence of Gintama!

You're lying Kasper! I'm quite sure the pictures you took with Miranda and Patrik involves a picture of you "wearing" only a water melon? Or was it a bag of flour? I've deleted as much as I can.

BLAST! The jig is up! I tought this would forever stay a secret, looks like my hopes were in vain... Damn you Hannah!
Liked by: Jill Miranda Elvina Shiki

Why are you not a member of the glorious master race of PC gaming?

I have converted. Praise the Gaben cause all of whince his blobbness touchet is holy.
Liked by: R.M.

You wake up in a strange hotel room and there's no one there. You only see odd receipts in a language you can't understand. There's booze everywhere. You have no recollection of ever even getting there. How did you end up here?

DesuCon Frostbite did not disappoint.


HARD CHOICE! I've got a whole bunch of Youtubers I like and they're pretty much all gaming-related. I really like EpicNameBro for Dark Souls content. General gaming I follow TotalBiscuit aka the Cynical Brit. For DotA 2 it's Purge and dotaCinema. When it comes to fightinggames it's MaximilianDOOD (Miles 923). As you can see I follow quite a few and I can't really decide which one I like the best. It all depends on my mood.

Varför är livet svårt?

Livet är det man gör det till. Bestämmer man dig för att göra livet svår kommer det vara jäkligt svårt. Om man å andra sidan bestämmer sig för att göra nåt åt saken och säga åt livet att dra åt helvete. Börja om, gör saker man tycker är roligt och mår bra av. Det är vad jag gjorde och det fungerade jävligt bra för mig.
Gnäll löser väldigt få, om inga, problem. Handling löser många fler.
Liked by: Elvina

Spiral Nemesis. Does it exist in real life? what do you think would be our world's equivalent?

Mattias Artano Persson
Interesting subject. I recon in theory, if we factor all different universes and planes of existance, there is a chance that the event would occur. I feel that on a practical scale it's highly unlikely (into the negative 10^n percentile) it would actually happen. Atleast at the same magnitude as in the original universe where it would destroy everything.
Liked by: Chris Andre Aakre


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