
Kasper Holmberg

Ask @SanguineSage

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Hi i`am brazil rau ai iu?

Hello Brazil! I take it you're trying to ask how are you? And I'm fine! Just relaxing at the moment :) How are you?

Wow you look absolutely gorgeous ❤️(⌒▽⌒)!! and since this is ask.fm I've to ask something.. What's your dream cosplay that you'd like to make someday?

Thank you for the compliment, really appreciate it =)
My number one dream cosplay would no doubt be Arthas Menethil as the Lich King from Warcraft/World of Warcraft. Warcraft is what I feel the thing that has shaped me the most as a person growing up, it has had the biggest influence on my life more so than anything else I can imagine, both in a positive and negative way. I have some of my fondest memories playing that game with people from all over Europe. And Arthas is by far my favorite character from the game so I would love to portray him in a cosplay. And hopefully this is a dream that can be realized fairly soon, if everything goes according to my plan :)

What mythological creature do you most identify with?

Probably Vampires. It's the charisma thing. And by vampires I mean the classic Dracula-esq ones, not the bullshit we've gotten in recent years. I guess Skarsgårds is ok but other than that No thank you!

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var ligger du politisk? höger eller vänster?

Är inte speciellt politiskt aktiv. När det drar ihop sig till val ska jag ta reda så mycket som möjligt om varje partis agenda och rösta på den jag ansér kunna gynna mig och landet på bästa sätt.

Have you ever got into trouble with the police?

Back when I had dreadlocks I used to get stopped quite abit. Even though I by then never had touched alcohol, cigarettes and even less so any kind of drugs. On a famous occation I was going to the store to get some Ben and Jerrys and soda on my longboard when I was pulled over by three undercover policeofficers. The first questions asked were in the following order: "What's your name? Where do you live? Do you have any drugs on you?". They then proceeded to question me for 20 minutes out in the street. Since I was entierly sober and they had nothing to hold me on other than my dreadlocks, they let me go.
So I guess I haven't technically gotten into real trouble with the police, even though I've had a few encounters with them.
Stereotypes are awesome, don't you think?

Skickar ut en fråga i etern till de cosplayare jag följer här! Hur skulle din favorit cosplay-grupp se ut om du fick välja vilka som cosplayar och från vad? :D

Sabina Mårdenkrans Åkerblom
World of Warcraft. Utan tvekan. Och skulle jag få som jag ville skulle jag vilja ha med alla underbara cosplayvänner jag träffat och umgåtts med de senaste två åren :) Because let's face it. There's room for everyone in there! Synd att alla inte gillar Blizzards designer :<

Xbox or PlayStation?

On a company standpoint? PlayStation. On a gaming standpoint? Both. I currently only play on playstation though since the only game I've played recently is BlazBlue Chronophantasma, and it's ps3/vita exclusive.

Do you believe we live in a dystopian society?

Depends entierly on the situation and where in the world you refer to. By no means do I feel Sweden to be dystopical, om the other hand we have such nations as Russia that currently are in quite dire situations. Note that I'm by no means an expert on the subject and these are nothing but my personal impressions.

Vilken låt var den senaste du lyssnade på? Om den inte var instrumentell: favoritdel i texten? ^_^ /qrious.grl_90

Sabina Mårdenkrans Åkerblom
My Sweet Shadow - In Flames. My favorite part about that song is probably how they transition from the really relaxed angsty verses to the heavy melodic metal parts in the chorus in the bridge. It makes me shiver every time i listen to it :) I would love to have this song in a solo cosplay-performance with a character I have done x)

What’s the last sport event you watched?

Like a proper event? I have no idea, I generally dislike watching sport. I do watch some UFC/Pride/K1 matches on youtube from time to time but not sure if they count as events.


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