
Kasper Holmberg

Ask @SanguineSage

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Do you use your phone as your music player or do you have an actually MP3 device? :) I personally have a player as my phone dies so easily from playing music with my apps. :0

I'd die without access to spotify. It is mah lyfe.

Do you have a favorite sailor scout? :D

I dunno really, can't remember much of Sailor Moon to be honest. Sailor Mars was pretty cool I think?

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Do you struggle with social anxiety?

Nah, I don't care enough about other peoples opinions of me to be bothered by anxiety.

How long does your phone last usually after being fully charged? And what kind do you have? ^^

Usually I have to charge it once a day. It's a Samsung s4.

Do you have a bath or shower and with or without a moveable shower head~

Bath, moveable showerhead. Da bess

In school you liked to engage chemistry and math?

I loved chemistry. I never had any good math teachers though, but I liked the subject.

Favorite fandom(s)? :3

Not sure I have a favorite fandom per-se. I like Gintama, but I don't generally engage with other people that like Gintama other than my friends. And that sorta feels like a defining trait of a fandom.

Marina and the Diamonds yay or nay? Favorite song? :3

Don't really listen to Marina. I heard alot of people like them though!

Vad är dina planer för i morgon?

Detta skickades i lördags, i Söndags köpte jag ett nytt grafikkort till min dator och mekade med den. Sen städade jag lite med!

Which social media site are you most active? Twitter, Facebook, ASKfm, Tumblr, Instagram?

Ask and Facebook and Twitter. I just got Snapchat and it seems fun!

Do/have you know/played the game or at least familiar with the characters from Disgaea? :)

I know of them! Haven't played any of them though, I heard they are very funny!

What Woolf you get? For tattops?

I want a videogame theme for them all. Probably a Darksign from Dark Souls, a Hunters Mark from Bloodborne and a Triforce from Zelda. I'm considering getting Geralts witcher medallion aswell but I'm not sure yet. We'll see.

Do you have any tattoos or want more? Can you show pictures? ^^

No tattoos yet! I want to get some when I stop cosplaying though. Before that I feel like they would be a hassle.

What you can't refuse?

Nothing really. I have a hard time reciving gifts generally so I can say no to most things.

Het! So i bought contacts for a cosplay, and I am just wondering where all I can buy some solution for them? Here in Sweden of course. ^^ thanks so much! :3

Maya Sanders
Any pharmacy really. Make sure you try out the solution so you don't get irritated from it. That sucks.
Liked by: Maya Sanders


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