
Sarah Mohammed

Ask @Sarah_2599

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What is the one thing you always wanted as a kid, but never got?

As a kid ba2a ra7t 3alaya .. Actually I always wanted to live in my country with el 7bayb w makunsh el insan elly el pic btwsfu bas el7amdullah baba sa7ab 3alaina 'asln 3atsi' .. W lesa fe amal :)

Facts about me ^_^

Rana ♥
Umm lets see:
-7ummus (mashallah)
-you how to fahmny things I have no idea about like chemistry :/
-sometimes you male3' like sooo much
-you don't like people fashel you :D
-life saver fel exams :')))
-you're a nice person .. Zaman I thought el 3aks bas la2 now you're totally different ;P
-you're egypsian woman so high five buddy ;)

dfsjklgdfshaiofjalkgfadshghafsd B7bkk 9araaa:$:$ *esta7eeeeeeeeet:$*

I know I know .. Hahahhaa el sh3ur mutabadal bbii .. ( Although u don't get shy because u have no feelings .. Hahahhaa la la just kidding :')) )
Liked by: m Omar

ثلاث اشياء تحبونها فيني :$

Hahahhaa nothing XD
La la ana a2dar .. Umm ya setty what I a7eb about you:
-You're really tyba :)
-You're funny ( I enjoy my time with you)
*Msh la2ya kalam .. Ba7awel agaml feeky bas msh aktar .. Hahahaa 7abibty everything is nice feeky .. Fdaitik <3*
Liked by: m Omar

What is the best thing to eat for breakfast?

Breakfast wala breakslow XD .. Nutella is the best :)
Liked by: m

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaasssaaaaaa :D

Anoooooooooon :)
Liked by: m 3ala2 Salem

اوصف/ي صحابك كده و مين هم ؟

So7aby ya 3am anon are the best people ever! Be5tasar w fe jumla wa7da 'with them you can be who you really are' azon el rsala wslt :)
Liked by: m 3ala2 Salem


Language: English