
Scarlet Otaku

Ask @ScarletOtaku57

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Who is your favorite YouTuber?

Um... Cryaotic. No! Vanoss! Wait wait wait! Crackerbarrel1000! NO WAIT! Ken Ashcorp! ... UGH I CAN'T DECIDE!!!!!

Who's the most funny & entertaining user that's a trainwreck?

Difficult to say considering the amount of trainwrecks that are found within the community and outside of it. Though if I had to pick, it'd probably be... Gohan6425 (or TeenGohanFighter as he now calls himself). The poor grammar, the lack of editing, and the logic behind all of his points are outdated 90s shit and retarded stereotypes that he believes to be true. Plus, backyard wrestling... really brah? I ain't a wrestling fan and I know that shit's not good for your physical health.
Liked by: Sonic is your god

Share something you're grateful for today.

That I got to spend time with my boyfriend for an entire weekend and that I will get to spend more time with him in the near future.
Liked by: Jackie Cannon

Any avatars you've considered using that you haven't yet? (make this a chain by asking three of your ask.fm friends)

Erza Scarlet and Shiro. No, I'm not starting a chain.

Is Angel Dust a character that you're gonna use as an avatar continuously?

This sexy beast?.... MMmmmmmmmmmmaybe. X3

Why do you like fairytale?

*Fairy Tail
Because it has awesome characters and I'm a sucker for fantasy settings in anime

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

Both, because I'm a rebel and don't pick one or the other.

How can I redeem my sad pathetic life?

By walking the path of the great and all powerful Jack Black in his journey of Brutal Legend! Then you'll be a little less pathetic... maybe XD

Well I know my future. Dying the loniest virgin in the world.

Hey, don't cut yourself so short. You're not like Damdam so... you won't be lonely when you die!


Language: English