
Serah ॐ

Ask @SeraNai

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You aren't right actually. I'm muslim but two of my closest firends are athiests and I never asked them to even think of believing in God and I love them as much as I love my Muslim or Christian friends.

Then great.

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y not?

Because you're either, closed minded as fuck to an extent you cant accept another point of view, or youre full of hate, maybe youre ignorant, or brainwashed to a level you can't accept others, or you're just an asshole who just likes to disagree with everyone. Am I right?

can you please tell us the meaning of this symbol?

It's AUM .. As in A-kara, every thing tanjable, anything you can touch. U-kara everything you cant touch, such as air or whatever, and the M- kara all of the forces in the world, the evil negative or positive forces, you combine the three to get the AUM. If you want untick its really interesting I can tell you more x

did it hurt? and ur next where will it be?

Abit .. my next will be in almost a week or so, between my shoulders x

it dsnt make u cool eza ma salayte w ma somte 3afekra tfu

It's not about cool. It's about the fact that my family didn't fucking brainwash me, and respect my decision in life that I want nothing to do with religion. Good?


Language: English