
Shai Amiel, Curl Doctor®

Ask @ShaiAmiel

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I've tried the pineapple bun but my hair still looks rough in the morning. What do I do? :/

The bun usually works if you use my recommended prescription to good hair posted at ShaiAmiel.tumblr.com and refreshed with Mister Right by DevaCurl.
Please update me

Is there a such thing as over conditioning ur hair?

Can't hurt if you're using moisturizing conditioners. Be careful with too much protein because it will make your hair brittle.
If you use the DevaCurl line properly you'll be in good shape.

this isnt a question. just lamenting that your salon is on the opposite side of the country from me. my hair is so ugly. if i don't straighten it, the texture is all different in all areas, the front is stringy and doesn't curl anymore. no definite curl pattern. i need serious help *cries*

Tell your friends why you shouldn't mess with natural texture. Follow this......

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I love your work! Would you ever consider coming out east like to Georgia perhaps?

I'd love to. Working on an Atlanta trip in October

What would u recommend to moisturize corse hair with?

DevaCurl Heaven In Hair. But you'll have better hair if you follow my prescription to good hair at ShaiAmiel.tumblr.com

As a child I was so insecure about my big curly hair. A lot of people would mess around with me (intentionally) about my hair, but to be honest it hurt. So many people have curly hair but wear it straight. But just why do people think straight hair is more attractive? But I've grown to love my hair

The girls I see on Instagram & tumblr with the most followers are curly girls. I'm not talking about celebrities......
Liked by: Patricia

Can I condition my hair with DevaCurl one condition before bed and then when I wake up shower it off?

Rinse & leave a little in.
If you use the entire line properly, 10 min will be plenty in the shower with the steam

So I got a keratin treatment over a year ago and my curls still aren't back how they used to be :( and I'm almost positive my hair has heat damage. What products do you recommend and what's the best way to revive my curls?

1. Research and find a good hairdresser you trust
2. Get a good treatment & haircut. The best cut for curly hair is the dry curl by curl method.
3. Buy the proper products your trusted stylist prescribes you
4. Avoid all straightening
5. Be careful from going too light because excessive bleach will destroy your curls
6. My favorite product line is DevaCurl
my website has more info www.CAPELLAsalon.com

I have a very sensitive scalp that gets itchy and inflamed w/ products that contain perfumes & oils. What can I use to moisturize my thick, dry, curly hair? I'm truly at a loss, and my hair is getting dryer by the day.

I'm confident that if you only use DevaCurl you'll get good results. The line is amazing! I wish I invented it

Hi years ago I used a just for me texturizer that claimed to loosen the curl pattern. It was only suppose to last 12 Weeks but I've found that parts of my hair are now different. for example the front of my hair is not as curly as the back. What should I do?

Tell everyone the horror stories of temporary relaxers!!!
1. Research and find a good hairdresser you trust
2. Get a good treatment & haircut. The best cut for curly hair is the dry curl by curl method.
3. Buy the proper products your trusted stylist prescribes you
4. Avoid all straightening
5. Be careful from going too light because excessive bleach will destroy your curls
6. My favorite product line is DevaCurl
my website has more info www.CAPELLAsalon.com

my curls are too ugly to style :/ have u ever met a head of helpless hair?

Start by finding a good hairdresser you trust.
Condition & avoid all straightening & chemicals!
A good haircut will help

why do you get such great results with your curly clients?

Because I treat the hair with love. Knowledge & experience do come in handy

is there a safe relaxer to control frizz?

NO!! The word relaxer is misleading. They should call it stresser, damager, killer, choker.... It will destroy your hair. The best way to help your curls is by hydrating & avoiding all straightening services

Hi years ago I used a just for me texturizer that claimed to loosen the curl pattern. It was only suppose to last 12 Weeks but I've found that parts of my hair are now different. for example the front of my hair is not as curly as the back. What should I do?

Tell all your friends the horror of relaxers! Find a good hairdresser you trust

For years ive been brushing my hair back into a pony tail. & I've noticed a difference in my curl pattern. Could this come from all the brushing ive done over the Years? Is there any way to reverse it?

You never want to brush curly hair dry! Only when wet with conditioner in the shower

how do you take care of curls at night? whenever i sleep on them they get matted and gross.

The Pineapple Bun. Google it

My hair is falling out and I want to know what products to use ...

Is it from breakage? Stop abusing it with straightening & chemicals! If it's medical visit your doctor.

I texturised my hair about half a year ago, and it's a bit dry and damaged. What do you recommend I do and use please?

Tell everyone why you're not supposed to change the texture of your hair! Warm your friends & post picture of how damaging it is.
Find a hairdresser that will take care of the health of your hair, get a good trim & use DevaCurl or anything your stylist recommends.

Are u an expert in coloring hair and deciding what color looks good on different skin tones?

I sure hope so

On the website I see something called deva curl no-poo and deva care no-poo what's the difference? I

DevaCare has citrus peel to make it more acidic to help seal the cuticle layer better. It's recommended for color treated hair even though the regular DevaCurl is safe on color. They smell different too.
I'm a fan of the DevaCare for all hair types.

My stylist told me to stop adding grease and wax in my hair to make my curls shine. So I have stopped but now I have grease build up that is hard to wash out? What will help me get it out so that I can start using deva curl? I was told to get some pureology shampoo... What do you think?

#DevaCurl No Poo will remove the buildup

Is it ok to apply more than one styling product like the arc gel, styling cream, and the light defining gel...or do u recommend just using one at a time?

Whatever works


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