

Ask @ShowJumpingLove

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whats the story of you and joey? how long have you ridden him?

Ok so i started riding at my barn 2 years ago, and rode lesson horses and i have the best trainer ever. Joey came to my barn a year and a half ago, to go in the advanced lessons and i just moved up when he came and started to ride him. I LOVED him from the moment i rode him. he was leased out to my barn because his owners couldnt have him. after 6 months he was put up for sale. My trainer wanted me to get my own horse and joey was the perfect horse for me, so she spoke to my parents about buying him. 8 months ago i tried him out properly and i jumped the biggest i have ever jumped (photo below) and he was so amazing. I fell in love even more. but just as things started to get in order with me buying him, my dad lost his job. Because of that we couldnt afford to buy him anymore. i was devastated because i thought he would leave and be sold to someone else.
but thankfully, 7-8 months ago my trainer bought joey because she wanted him to stay. we struggled a lot with money because my dad lost his job and i couldnt have as many lessons. But my trainer let me work at the barn and help in lessons to pay off because she saw how much i loved riding and Joey. last month my dad got a new better paid job, and he said that next year (in january hopefully) I can start leasing Joey. my trainer said thats what she wanted too, because she needs the money from the lease and I really want to move up.
so I have ridden him for a year and a half, and he's my world, I love him so much and i can't believe I will finally lease him, because i thought i would lose him ❤❤❤

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