
Shu Fang;

Ask @ShufangSays

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On a scale of 1-10 how honest are you?

7! I'm usually pretty honest but if it's personal stuff then.... different case.

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

Yesss. It's just that we do not realise or may have not realised it yet.

Describe Melissaaaaaaaaaaa (;

Was too lazy to answer ytd :p Melissaaaaaaaaaaa is ze very cute and shy girl who can get hyper easily and she is a SHOPAHOLIC. She loves maths & anime! But I know in her heart, she loves me most *ERHEM* hehe jkjk. But truthfully, I know family and friends plays an important part in her life :)) She usually either has the "worry" or give the "don't-care-la!" kind of attitude. Soft and smart on the inside, pretty and hard on the outside. I loveeee her a lot and I'm very happy that we both were in 408!! Meet up soon k! I miss you loadssss :*
Liked by: Melissa

Describe Junhui weeeeee~

At first you might think Junhui is a normal guy but then if he roll up his sleeves or lift his shirt up, you will realise he is actually the macho guy in ChuckChi!! Omg really got shocked when I saw his muscles! Other than that, I think he is quite friendly, honest and horny HAHAHAH. Talk more to me okay!!


Kim Sun Hyeok
The friendly korean guy who takes initiative to lead the group!! Actually, if I didn't know your name, I wouldn't really have guessed you were Korean cuz of your hairstyle *hides face* (not saying your hairstyle not nice) . I know he is one of the very enthusiastic people in Chuck Chi as well! Glad to have him as one of the family members in Chuck Chiiiiii~ :D
Liked by: Kim Sun Hyeok

Describeeeeeeeeeee NIGELLLLL

Nigel is the handsome one who is always on the phone >:( ! But I think he can be quite sociable and funny if you bother taking the initiative to talk to him first HAHAH. Glad that he is in the ChuckChi family!! Talk more okay! Eh btw send me the pic we took tgt plsss ~


Omg Priscilla is the direct, hipster and bold one!! I LIKE hehehehehe. She is pretty, sociable and I believe she is the one where you don't want to mess with HAHAH. Very glad to have her as my ChuckChi sister!! I hope we can talk more! C:

Describeeeee TERRI

At first Terri looked asocial but then if you actually talk to him, he isn't! The tall dude with a big appetite heheh I think he is creative also! Toothpick as stranger LOL. Glad to have him as part of the Chuck Chi family as well~ Must talk to each other more okay!!

describe stefi tha gr8

HAHAH. Stefi is obviously the popular one in chuck chi. She is pretty, open-minded and she likes to fool around eheh. Glad to have her as part of the ChuckChi family!! Always helping to come up with cheers and stuff uh thanks ☺

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a boy?

It can mean anything. It can be out of politeness, to prevent the guy from knowing how the girl feels so she gives a fake smile or that the guy made the girl happy.
Liked by: LimKoon

At what age did you find out that Santa wasn’t real?

I knew it all along. Since young, I wasn't one of those who fantasize a lot.


Language: English