
ゞ»;❊'SICA❤HIMEั ❊۰•シ

Ask @SicaHime

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Te eligen como protagonista de cualquier película ¿Y esa sería? y ¿Por qué?

Mmmm...si fuera una que ya existe (? Por que si fuera asi me gustaria .... *Meditando* xDDD Paradise Kiss o NANA *Japanese Live Actions* Deben d contar vdd? ;3; Paradise Kiss por que Yukari "Caroline" esta estudiando para seguir con su futuro y no esta segura de que quiere ser...Asi me sentia por 1 buen tiempo me sentia perdida en lo que queria hacer, apesar de que la escuela no se me hace dificil para mi...no siento que pertenesca a una universidad y estudiar 1 carrera normal como todo mundo, en vez de eso quiero viajar y seguir mi sue;o de ser cantante y se que muchos diran que es algo ridiculo pero yo pienso que es ridiculo estudiar algo por kerer kedar bien con los demas o por $$$. No importa que termine pasando con mi vida quiero disfrutarla y ser feliz y NANA por que siento que las 2 Nanas son diferentes una es mas insegura y no sabe en que es buena y la otra sabe lo que quiere de la vida y va por ello. Siento que esos 2 personajes representan la parte insegura y la parte con ambicion de mi. Nana "Hachi" era mas mi yo del pasado aunk aun keda fragmentos de ella y Nana "Osaki" es alguien a quien aspiro a ser y estoy lograndolo poco a poco <3 Ambas referencias son algo similares vdd? LOL http://25.media.tumblr.com/74ebefdc6e9fc22b7149402aa34292b0/tumblr_mp8pgmGPgw1s8ebcno1_500.gif

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Are you afraid to fly in airplanes?

I'm not in fact I want to take a fly so bad~~ T_T maybe one day when I go to Japan or Korea :D <3 I'll experience that feeling

What is it you most dislike?

LIES! I hate when people lie to me...I rather know the horrible truth than a beautiful lie and I hate when people interrupt me when I'm doing something that I consider important :P xD

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How do men understand ‘romance’?

I don't think they fully understand romance at least the majority of them since they are so immature *Not applying to everyone of course* They can barley understand the female sex and now romance ?

What is the most important thing your country has given to the world?

Tacos...most likely xDDD *Mexico*

What would you do if you meet an alien?

I have no idea...I need to meet one in able to actually know xD

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

I do! Whether it was for a blessing or a lesson everything happens for a reason. The thing is to deal with it by learn from it and move on so you can apply it in the future that also makes you grow as a person :D

What is on the walls of the room you are in?

Damn I wish I was in my room right now cuz the living room is plain as fuck LOL Does that answers the question ?

What are you wearing right now?

White fake converse, high tights, demin shorts, t-shirt and my pierce the veil hoodie :3 <3

If you opened up a restaurant what kind of food would you serve?

Korean/Japanese Food since I make it all the time and friends are always coming over for my food xD lol

How do you greet your friends?

That depends of the person...I treat people according how they treat me! As an example is someone is nice to me so am I but if you are rude I'll be rude as well. So basically with some people I'm more affectionate while others more cold n__n''

How much would it cost to buy your love?

Well...if we talk as in $$$ there is no price I can't put a price for my love. However if we talk as in what someones has to do to EARN my love...well that person must be honest,funny,caring,romantic,artistic, open minded, adventurous, sincere & share things in common <3 :3

What is your mission?

My mission is basically be happy, enjoy my life to the fullest and accomplish most of my personal goals <3

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

Hopefully ~ with a successful singing career in a foreign country *I like to dream big * :3

Do you believe that dreams can sometimes predict the future?

Yes and No ! Sometimes little thing yes but I'm not so sure about big pieces of your future. Who knows cuz humans forget most of their dreams when they wake up

Who is the most beautiful woman?

To me Jung Jessica <3 *Member of Girls Generation - Kpop girl group *

Who was the last person you hugged?

Mmmmmmmm... I hugged a lot of people last night hehehe but it was someone from my family

What's a phrase you use often?

I don't think it is a phrase but ... Q2 <--- Which is kinda similar to WTF in Spanish (?

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

It changes all the time cuz if I eat the same flavor of ice cream always is not even tasty anymore. Lately I go for Rocky Road

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would you choose?

With a friend that I know for over 4 years but she lives in another country :/


Language: English