

Ask @Sliceyoureyes

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What was the longest car ride you’ve ever taken?

From Milton Keynes to Portsmouth with a major accident on the M something and I was sat in the back of a coupé which had two seats and I was between to car seats and wanting to fucking die it was so fucking awful ugh wtf.

What's your opinion on Emma Renton? Heheeehehe xoxoxox

Lol Emma, is that you? xxxxxx
Emma is an amazingly cool person, and I'm devastated I didn't really know her in secondary school because Idk I think I like her a lot and I hope we can be close and we'll meet up soon after exams and she's a great, beautiful girl.

What is the most important thing you have learned in life?

Don't trust a fucking soul coz everyone's out to save themselves.

What is the secret to a happy life?

Sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Being with those you truly love.

What supercool connections have you made through the Internet?

Lol I haven't made supercool ones, but spoken/stalked people I've fallen madly inlove with

Do you believe that dreams can sometimes predict the future?

Fucking hope not, my dreams are fucking schizophrenic

What names do you want to give to your children?

Boys: Adam/Zachary/Isaac/Gabrielle/Joseph/Daniel/something Persian
Girls: Lilah/Jasmine/Olivia/Myra/Hannah/ or I don't know how I feel at the time maybe


Language: English