

Ask @SmileForMee544

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What is the one thing you want most in your life right now?

Love ,Money,Good Friends,And Me Bein A Good Idol To The Kids Cause Miley Aint Doin Her Part

Don’t you think that everything is changing too fast?

Hell Yeah. Bitchess Actinn Fake Now Ah Dayss

What countries would you travel to if you were to do a world trip?

Umm Cali,Montana,And New Jersey

What is the most ridiculous place for a first date?

Burger King "Imma Burger King Bitch.Loyalty Nigga" <Umm Noo

If you had lots of money what would you do with it?

Charity (: And Get My Nails Donee Andd Shoppinn

If you could be another person for a day, who would you be?

Me. Ionn Wanna Be In No Other Person Life. It Might Be Hell

Do you prefer giving or receiving?

Both Cause Ion Wanna Give If Yo Ass Aint Gon Givee Shit Back. Like I Givee Ah 2Fuccks

How do men understand ‘romance’?

Lit Candles. Rose Petals Too The Bed. Chocolate Covered Strawberries He Feeds Too Me <3


Language: English