
Serge Farah

Ask @Sourouj

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What books on your shelf are begging to be read?

My book shelf contains CD's and food and joysticks and phone so fuck u books! :p ( kidding about the food part)

I wanna tell u something:p something really really weird ! You followed me on instagram a few days ago i guess i cant remember and i followed u back cause you're the most handsome.. Yesterday i had a dream about you we were walking holdijg eachothers hands laughing out loud and stuf.. ❤️

Ouf ouf :p tjawazna bel ekher
Anw aww so sweet ❤️

no not nowww bakirrr I will stayy 4 a short period anon in this wayy we can knoww each otherr deal ? but to be honesttt 3njdd ur eyesss they kill meee you have something speciall in ur looking I dn't knoww howw to explain but ur amazing just the way u are ♡

Haaha awww bas try not to diee :p ❤️❤️ thanks:*
Liked by: Nadaa.

oh hunny... if i wanted porn i wdve searched for porn... i want ur nude body ;)

Hahahaha teb go on insta and take my pic with the ball and photoshop it :'D
Liked by: Karimps

man no offense fik ma tred bss dunno bhesak gay :/

Lol think chou ma beddik ur opinion is unimportant to me lol , habla!


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