
Serge Farah

Ask @Sourouj

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Russian girls yaane charmouta ? aw ma khass

Nah ma khas fi banet bi russia ya ma7la l banet l met3asbin bi lebnen
Bas honike open minded aktar
Ya3ne for example ma byehko bel nudes bro it's okay kellon cheyfin ba3ed bikouno mzaltik, they don't give a single fuck
Byehko bel bj w tlou3 w kamena enno
Boys think bel sex only boys byetsallo w heik
Boys get horny
Girls get horny
Boys want to have sex
Girls too
L difference is that girls are shy bas. BASSS,
Bi russia 3ade open minded they don't care who start l mouhem they get laid...

most of the girls in Lebanon r not hot. Except russians HAHAHAHAHA :')

Nah lebanese girls are cute and beautiful in there own ways trust me ma fi ahla men l lebanese girls
Bas idk the most attractive girl ever saw in MY WHOLE LIFE was in russia. And guess what i talked to her i was so stupid, didn't took her number :'(

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bade eje 3 russia kermalak :*

Ana bi lebnen ya 3omre :p hahahaha
Yaret russia bsir chouf banet byekhdo l 3a2el :(

HAHAHAHAHA OMG funny answers :') Btw only 1-2 % of the world's population have green eyes so we r rare :p

No kidding bas 1-2%
We are DAYUMN lucky :3

lak fedaa haljamal ! smalla 3lik *-*

Lah ya ekhte ma tjibe l msibe 3leyke ana 3youne khoder bsib bel 3ein :(

How would you explain color to a blind man?

It's like telling a boy to love a girls even tho he loves another girl
It's useless.


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