
Serge Farah

Ask @Sourouj

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I am so horny fuck me ahhh

Mnih enno 3meltella deactivate
Chefet esem l benet w akide enno mech heyde hiye fa ente aw enta yalle sara2to menna ktor perves rou7o kebo 7alkon

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don't depend too much on anyone int his world because even your shadow leaves you when your in darkness .... take care xx


Okay so you don't know me but I get bullied alot so I am going to commut suicide but before I commut suicide I would like to tell you that I love you alot and you are a really handsome and sweet person! Wish you all the best❤️

... You got a good life just learn how to live with it and i know ur joking but it's
Cool to joke about these situations anw Thank you ❤️


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