
Serge Farah

Ask @Sourouj

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Ma ba3raf leh bs my heart is beating so fast, ma 3aleina bs I'm not from lebanon HAHAHAHAHA :') al mubki al mud7ik, bs when I think about it w I feel like I will never ever see you in my entire life I feel sad, cause I guess you have a really good personality ya 7asra

Hahahaha well that's good and sad :/
And 7asra LOL what does it means? :p
Liked by: grace haddad

Heaven is a place with you

No i am not near heaven
I am so far now, not only me all of us
We need to choose the correct way,
Not the other....

Is your dream Girl diana obeid?:p I think you're describing her not your dream girl:p

Hahahah nice move except u forgot that she's younger in 5-6 years:|
So like i said a friend/brother...
Liked by: grace haddad

La2 mish shy bs I hate to be rejected bs I like to reject people well actually I've never been rejected w i will never be bs still, b3dein ma ba7ib tfakkirni mish 7ilweh :/

Ya ekhte i won't reject walla :p

I guess i have what it takes except i'm a brunette so i don't think you'll ever consider it :3 but hey if the ring fits xD

Hahahahaha smooth untick wlak
It's dream girl that's why esma a dream girl -.- idk chou lon cha3rik:p

I wish I was photogenic kan 3milt untick bs I look awful in pictures but look beautiful in real though, I know I'm so self confident :$

ahahaha lol -.- ur shy? And ouf ouf that's good too

Tab look I'm brunette with tall curly hair, and brown eyes. tooli 165cm weight 50kg, I know how to dance ballet, dabkeh, hip hop, jazz, modern dance, salsa and a lot more, I don't put make up so no eyeliner bs min shainak ba7ut leh la2. W akeed every girl lazim t2eem sha3ar edeya w ejreya

Hahahha thats good :p i guess

Describe your perfect girl

Okay here it goes:
If a blond girl
With blue or green eyes
With a Fucking AWESOME eyeliner (enno zabet ma3a :p)
With good teeth
A good smell always
Tall chwe
Btehtam bi jesma
Ahamma chi l ass enno ma tkoun ktir mchatchta :|
None smoker cz ana ma bdakhen w ri7et temma bi sir metel ta3met l khara
Good taste in food
Good taste in cloths
Good taste in music
She's athletic and like sport like i do
Umm a gamer w heik
Bta3ref ta3mol akel :3
She loves to dance ma btestehe
Mech daroure ana kell marra a3mol the first step w hiye masalan tbousne
Umm tchil cha3ret ideya w ejreya enno kella chi
Bas eza kenet blond bseme7kon cz having blond hair on ur legs aw hands chwe cute
W ahamma chi ma y koun fi ktir hboub bi wejja.
❤️✋ please dream girl reveal yourself :( please i beg u :/

Turn ons in a girl

Okay so here it comes:
when her hair smell WOW*-*
When she smiles often the smile is attractive
When she is not that Shy
When she is crazy and weird and fun When she got a good taste of humor
When she don't have a curfew
When she looks in my eyes while talking
When she touches u, for example el2atla ida aw oghmora aw kiss
When her breath smells like ❤️_❤️
So u wana kiss her more
When btetghannaj 3leik
When she says i love u enno akide after a long relationship
When she doing go crazy with all the guys , bas ana w her besties!
When she doesn't mind coming home and talking to your parents
When she doesn't mind doing anything with the boy she loves
Enno akide if she's above 18 enno mature enough... W heik


Language: English