
Michael Mavromatis

Ask @SwagMav

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You put a song from the game MadWorld in the swaggernaut video... Are you a fan of that game?

Never played it
Liked by: eh

Ехал Грека через реку, Видит Грека - в реке рак, Сунул Грека руку в реку, А рак чё? Он просто ползает. Ему похуй, что какой то мудак руку в реку суёт. Он вообще проиграл одному чуваку и ждёт подливы. Дебил этот Грека короче.

Lol suchara

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Have you tried QuickScope Simulator? If not go ahead and try it. I bet that you will like it. Maybe you will find some ideas for #$_\/\/_o_G videos

Im good tanks m9

GREAT! Now everytime i hear clockwork from mambayaga project reminds me of your dance on your stream, and i start laughing uncontrolably.. sVeG


I scrolled for a bit and couldn't see this question so I'm gonna ask it. Is it possible for you to make a tutorial video on how you make your videos? I got a copy of Sony Vegas but am scrublord... and I know there are probably 4000 already but I need to see $\/\/@g.

Over editing= a lot of keyframing and adding effects, sry but i'm pretty bad at tutorials,
No one taught me, I just slowly learned by my self
Liked by: Raddu Rares

Why does almost everybody ask your editing program even though they just have to scroll and see by themselfs?


So i saw peoples asking you going to TI and how can u make such videos,Then I tough man this guy is a pro at making videos too not just in dota 2. :D

Raddu Rares
I'm not really into competitive dota,
I dont really like it, though if I did get invited I would go 100%

do you play games with 2 monitors???coz that shit HD 7770 cant even play BF3 low dual monitor

No, i have the second monitor for editing only

But besides that, I really enjoy your content Mav, I appreciate the work you but on them and wish you the best of luck, you scrub.


Do you get short movie clips and musics from only Utube with permission? Or do you just directly download & used them by using Utube downloader or such?


Hi bro, i remember the day you get ban from twitch (i was here e_e). We were only like 10, but you said "i'm doing this for fun". Since this day, i really wanna support you :') The fact you're in trouble recently touched me a lot. You have talent ! You'll achieve your dreams bro ! A fanboy forever.

Hahah thanks man, that means a lot, you know... To have people caring about you.
It's not everyday that I get people like you so thanks :)


Language: English