

Ask @SweaterPaws_Malum

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Judging by my profile, what do you think of me?

idk how you found me considering we don't follow each other but from some of your answers, you seem very driven and determined to craft a great future for yourself, and I respect that 1000%. also you're an xbox player so that gives you immediate brownie points

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You're next to perfection👣💙 Your hair is so free, never change it. Your hair just adds to your gorgeousness 😭 I really adore your eyes 💕 I love seeing your smile, it brightens my day every time 🙈 You're really different from other girls🌏

Aww thank you baby.

Name a problem leaders in your country should solve?

Gun! Control! Laws! Should! Be! Stricter! After! The! Pulse! Nightclub! Shootings!

Whos your fave youtuber?

Hmm I don't really have a favorite youtuber but if I'd have to choose it would be either Twaimz, Shane Dawson or Mr. Nightmare :-)

Do you like parties with 12 people or parties with 60?

Parties w 12 people. Small parties are better than huge ones ya know?


Language: English