

Ask @TaylorMunley

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You always went to Kyle when you guys fought! That's not pushing him away?

this is prolly alex because no one else would know that, js(': & yeah i did go to kyle sometimes because whenever alex made me cry, id text or call kyle asking for advice because he was actually there for me. no, it's not fucking pushing alex away when he was the one who started the arguments, i simply went to a friend for advice. there's nothing wrong with that and it's not pushing anybody away.

girl you need to stop hating on Alex. you pushed him away which is why he's gone. that's your fault

HATING ON ALEX? who was the one who stuck up for him every god damn time someone hated on him? me. every single time he posted a status about being upset, wrote on ask that he was upset or put something on snapchat about being upset, i ALWAYS texted him asking if he was okay and if he wanted to talk about it. always, every god damn time. & IM the one who pushed him away? when we were dating, i constantly asked him to hangout, especially the second time we did. he was the one who would always tell me he'd hangout with me, then he would find better plans and ditch me. i didn't push him away, he pushed himself away. & THATS why he's gone anon.

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Yeah, I know what ya mean. I just think that the name calling is getting pretty old and for them to call us that, well first, they practically know nothing about us if their saying that. And second, the name calling is kinda low. For someone to do yanno? Haha. I just don't get it at all.

thats so true! i agree with you completely!

I don't think it's right at all! And thank you, it really means a lot from someone who understands the pain and what i have to go through all the time. The struggle to be on ask and to answer these stupid questions people ask me seriously make me wanna cry thinking it's not true.

i know how ya feel! everyone tells me to just delete my ask but i cant get myself to do it because i dont want to look weak. they tell me to take anon off also but then no one would write on my ask so what's the point of even having it. but if it does get to you a lot then maybe to can try staying off the app for a while so you can have time to yourself and to get over what the haters are saying to you, yanno?

On ask. I get called it on prank calls too. When people call me it, it makes me feel low on myself because I'm thinking " I haven't had a relationship in for how long?" But it's whatever anymore haha and thank you!

i feel you!! i get called a whore all of the time when in the past two years, ive only dated three guys and two of the relationships were four months and the other one was 11 ('. so i feel ya completely, just ignore it love!

I got called a whore.

anonymously on ask or do you know who it was? & that's not right, ive gotten called that before too & it hurts a lot. just keep your head up & dont pay attention to whoever called you that

yea I really have nobody except a couple people who try to be friends with me when they need something or someone to talk to but fugg it me against the world

i feel you completely! well if you need anyone, im always here(:

well I don't really talk to the other person anymore but I'm still good friends with the person who probably helped screw it up

ah i gotcha): sounds like a shitty situation to be in haha

fuck it the friendship I have now with the other person might get ruined so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. what should I do?

id just confront whoever screwed up the friendship for you and tell them they better make things right before you're the one who loses a good friend of yours


Language: English