

Ask @TaylorMunley

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I did and I can't see it but okay (':

ill post one tomorrow, im at the beach waiting for a show to start & there's terrible lighting in here

Pap of your nose piercing up close

taking a picture of my nose and posting it on ask will be weird (': just zoom in on the other one i posted!

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picture of your nose? i want to see it pierced!

i look gross & you cant really see it but this is the only picture i have so here ya go (:

I don't know what the hell mirror your looking in but you need to find a new one. Your body is perfect. Damn if i had your body I'd go to WalMart in a bikini...

awh you're so so sweet! thank you

You're perfect Taylor. You're body is gorgeous and they say hippo because they are jealous. I would die to be you. I'm always here for you. ❤️

awh who is this? & thank you so much! ❤️


ive had problems with my weight in the past, then i finally started being not as insecure about it this summer but then anonymous assholes started calling me fat & giving me names such as "rhino" & "hippo" so because of that i am insecure about my body again


Language: English