

Ask @TaylorMunley

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That's so true. I'm not trying to be mean but if you want him back prove it. Don't flirt with other guys and fight for him it might work out ya never know

i tried proving it and whether i flirt with other guys or not, he's not gonna take me back

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Why do you still love alex if he doesn't love you?

because its not that easy to just get over someone.. ive loved him since febuary, i cant just wake up one day and not love him anymore

If you love alex you should fight for him and stop flirting with other people

i tried fighting for him so many times and he's the one who always breaks up with me. im single, i can talk to whoever i want. he kissed other girls after we broke up but im not allowed to give other guys truths on facebook? lol. you people are pathetic, leave me the fuck alone already.

Just stfu Taylor. We all know you like Kyle and always did

actually i fucking dont. im still in love with alex & that's that, now leave me alone.

Why do you ALWAYS go back to Ritko after you and alex break up? You don't like him but you always go back to him lol

talking to him isn't even going back to him. im allowed to be friends with whoever i want.

It does concern me because I don't want to see another boy get played by you.

NO BOYS HAVE GOTTEN PLAYED BY ME, im the ones who's been dumped all these times remember?

Every single fucking truth is you gave a boy was to text them or to hang out with all your little winky faces and shit. Lol Taylor you're gonna be in high school it's time to grow up hunny.

Liked by: candice kane

You'll fucking flirt with guys all over Facebook without hiding it but okay bitch

take screenshots of who i flirted with on facebook while dating alex and send it to me then if you're so fucking confident that i did.

Then delete the fucking app. You're the one who got yourself into this. Alex probably did love you but you talked to too many guys and messed it up. And I do know a lot about you. You don't have the littlest clue who this is (':

SAY IT TO MY FACE IF YOU KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT ME. you people are ridiculous.

Yeah well who were those "three guys" because I'm pretty sure you talked to about 30 and flirted with every fucking one.

logan, who's my fucking cousin. mike, who's been my bestfriend for almost five years now, & todd who's been my bestfriend for almost four years. don't even act like you know me or know who i talked to because you obviously dont, i gave alex all of my attention & that's the honest fucking truth. now leave me the hell alone unless you can actually say this shit to my face because im sick and tired of this fucking app already.

If he's the only guy you want why did you talk and flirt with so many guys while you were dating him? That's probably why he doesn't want your ass

actually i didnt, i talked to a total of maybe three guys while dating him and it was people who were my bestfriends a long long time before him and i started dating. & i never flirted with them, ever. alex meant the world to me & i wouldve taken a bullet for him, seriously. i never liked someone as much as i liked him & i mean that. just leave me alone because im really not in the mood for this shit unless you grow a set and take yourself off anon.

Why do you always call him babe and shit and say you wanna fuck him loll you obvi like him Taylor and used alex..

I NEVER EVER USED ALEX. if i did then i NEVER would have tried as hard as i fucking did for that kid. he meant everything to me and he still does and it breaks my heart that were not together anymore because he's the only guy i want.
Liked by: J A Y D E N

Kyle told me he doesn't like you. You're just talking to him to get alex mad and trying to talk to all of his friends so alex will get more mad and get closer to Kyle. You obviously never loved alex and liked Kyle all along

actually anon, i havent liked kyle in months.. ive been in love with alex since february and i still fucking am, i dont like kyle and i have no intentions on dating him. & who the hell are you to tell me about myself and MY feelings? you have no clue how i feel, seriously.


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