

Ask @TaylorMunley

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So wait you want to date again?

i mean not rn because we just started talking things through yesterday. i want to talk about it in person first then he can decide where it goes from there in the long run

If Alex doesn't like you and you guys don't have a thing.. why is he acting like you do? Like not to be mean I'm just confused because you guys flirt but you're not talking again

nono, we do like eachother. & were working things out so we can date again if we decide to. & i want to, so

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Aren't you scared that if you date Alex again he will just leave you for someone like Mackenzie again and then once that girl doesn't like him he will just come back to you bc he knows you will take him back?

honestly, yes. thats my biggest fear if we are to date again because there's a lot better girls out there than me but..
Liked by: Logan

taylors hand slipped down his pants and she couldnt fund her way out she got lost so if she did touch his dick it was on accident

Liked by: Logan

come off anon and say it and you better hope and prey if I find out who you are ill snap your fuckin spine you fuckin low life leave her alone

hehe love you log ❤️❤️
Liked by: Logan

Lol I already asked him he didn't answer yet lol but does he still like Kenzie?

again, ask him that one not me
Liked by: Logan

Does he like you too? Or do you like him and want another chance?

ask him, not me. i dunno how he feels rn & whatnot
Liked by: Logan


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