

Ask @TaylorMunley

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Let me get this straight here... You're talking to Kyle, but talking talking to Alex. Yes?

uhhhh.. i guess so
Liked by: Logan

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I hope you and Alex date again. You two were the cutest and seeing you both happy made everyone else around you happy, we all wanted the relationship you two had. Please go back out !

awh tysm!❤️
Liked by: Logan

SERIOUSLY SHUT UP. I'm so sick and tired of everyone putting this girl down. Taylor is one of the nicest people I know. If you're nice to her, then she'll be nice back. Don't expect her to be nice when your treating her like this. I got your back taylor.

awh thank you so so much! it really means a lot, i needed that. thank you (:
Liked by: Logan

please be careful Tay. I don't want to see you get your hopes up over him and then get betrayed again like last time.

i will be, thank you
Liked by: Logan

You're dating that goose again huh? That was fast

he isnt a goose. & im not dating anyone actually, im single.
Liked by: Logan

just date already I hope that one incher pleasures you (;

the fact that its not inches cracks me up hahahahahaha. but does size matter either way? no, it does not. it's good personality that counts, something that you obviously don't have.
Liked by: Logan

my opinion isnt going to change whether Im anon or not

did i ask if it would change? no. you can call him names all you want, call me ugly all you want. but the only ugly one here is you because of your personality. if you have the nerve to sit behind a computer screw & bully someone then what are you? exactly, ugly on the inside. i think my point was proven so you can leave my ask now, thank you & have a lovely day(:
Liked by: Logan

If you like him a lot why are you flirting with other guys..?

like who? & were not dating, i can talk to whoever i want to. if we were dating again that'd be one thing, but were not so.
Liked by: Logan

Actually it does because I like him a lot

well i don't even know who this is, so. i still like alex alot also & i never stopped.
Liked by: Logan


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