

Ask @TaylorMunley

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Okay good cause that would be way to much trouble to find

not really, it actually wasnt that far down youre just lazy
Liked by: Logan

She sent me it, I can send it to you but you wanted to act all tuff and go find it yourself

HAHAHAHA i found it bae dont worry, i just sent it to you & wrote a nice long paragraph on my thoughts bout it(;
Liked by: Logan

Ehh maybe.

dude im trying to find that question we were just talking about & like i don't know where it is on here
Liked by: Logan

How did you know it was me?

because youre the only one who would come up with something like that, i know the bae too well
Liked by: Logan

Hahaha new the hammock game it away I didn't even get to fit all I wass gonna say so there should be another one that was supposed to go to the same one as I knew I would (;

haha i know i answered the second one already, but i knew it was you right when you said the first thing about the lava lamp (;
Liked by: Logan

And the bubbles tell you the secrets to life, like to has herpes and what not bro so just chill back and take it all I'm sometimes all you need is a lava lamp to guide you in your future homez that's it like some people have the magic 8 ball and are billionaires that rely on that ball dude

im too stupid to comprehend this shit dude, i lost you after you said herpes
Liked by: Logan

Like we can just chill out on the hammock and do good vibey shit together homez we can go deep if you really wanna get into it man, like once you say "yeeee" there ain't no Goin back man so just chill and the in the good vibes from the lava lamp and just look into it as the bubbles go up and down

hi kyle, i love you ❤️ you made my night, now meet me in the hammock
Liked by: Logan

Chill niggie, just relax and let good vibes come into your life and make it, good vibey and just sit back and chill next to a lava lamp and talk about Good vibey shit and what not. Would you be diggie a night like that with me? I got da chilled spot homez #hippiestatus

omg this made my night hahah im dying rn (':
Liked by: Logan

Alex broke up with a perfect girl like you and now he cant even get a girlfriend. I bet that makes him feel real good

Liked by: Logan


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