

Ask @TaylorMunley

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you were dating Alex in Febuary I thought..

nope. we started talking in feb, didnt start dating till after that tho.

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oh sorry. I saw the video on Facebook of you and I thought you got back together

nono, that's from like febuary haha

You do then

i dont "regret" it cause we have a lot of really great memories ill never forget. i just feel like i wasted four months of my life with someone that was gonna end up breaking up with me in the long run when i could have been focusing on someone else, yanno? but like i said i dont regret it at all.

Why'd you delete my question about you flirting with him? Because you know I'm correct about that and everyone leaving you?

i didnt delete it, i answered it actually. & telling him to bring me dunkin isn't flirting, we made a deal a week ago about it & that's why we still kept it going. my god, i swear i cant do anything without someone judging me

Why are you trying to get back with Kyle when you claim he broke your heart ?

dude im not trying to get back with him, were just friends.

I'm not hating on you Taylor. I'm looking out for you and your feelings because you always say you end up hurt and it's because you're to nice of a person. It's not a bad thing at all for other people, but you've got to stop letting people walk all over you. Trust me you'll be much happier that way

well thank you for looking out for me i guess but i really dont need someone telling me how to go about my life. im a very forgiving person & im sure if you made a mistake, you wouldnt want someone to hold it against you. i know i sure wouldnt which is why i forgive, but never forget. im sorry if you dont agree with that but that's the way i look at life & it's how ill continue to.

I'm really not trying to start problems. But you're being so nice to him when he did nothing but hurt you, why? I'm not trying to offend you either but you care too much about others than you do for yourself and that's probably the reason why you end up hurt. You need to worry about yourself first.

it's honestly SO sad that im getting hated on for being nice to people. My parents always taught me to kill people with kindness, no matter how much they hurt you and mentally screw you up, kill them with kindness and you'll come out being the better person. he hurt me, i know. a lot of my friends are asking why im being nice to him too. but just because he hurt me doesnt mean im gonna shut him out of my life? & even if i dont necessarily like someone, like i said i kill them with kindness. it's something that ive always done & something ill continue to do regardless of what anyone says.
Liked by: Madison✨

Shit. Alex really gets around.

stop. leave him alone seriously, he's getting enough crap as it is & there's no need to add to it.

Taylor Ive been seeing all your posts on FB and Instagram, are you okay? I'll message you and let you know who this is but you don't seem it at all and i just want to make sure your okay. Don't stress over Alex because he doesn't realize what he's missing out on.

awh tysm(: tbh im not really at all, but its whatever

Everyone leave Taylor alone. It is hard enough going through a break up especially for how long they dated and you guys are just making it worse. No one deserves to be hated on she didn't do anything wrong. Everyone says things they don't mean when they are made and that's what happened.

thank you so much! please message me and tell me who this is (:


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