

Ask @TaylorMunley

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Do you like being inside and watching netflix and chillin and all that or is it just me lol

ive been doing that since i got home actually hahahaha

(Continued) Yours. Writing them was a very long process and was a lot of fun for me each day to do and I looked forward to it. I did it daily, never missed one of the 25 consecutive days. Well that's about it. Some people may have guessed it or found out but here I am. Thanks everyone. Yours truly,

awh matt thank you so much! these quotes honestly made my morning and i looked forward to waking up and reading them. im glad you let everyone know who you were because you made so many people happy.. thank you :)

Alright guys, so yesterday was the 25th time I have written a quote for you guys.. and also the last time.. I am "retiring" from writing quotes for now... I have decided to tell you who I am... I did this because it made me happy seeing everyone else happy. It brightened up my day brightening up


The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success. Have a good one everyone !! :)



Language: English