

Ask @TheIdiotNamedAnn

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Which gives you the most pleasure - giving presents or receiving them?

absolutely giving. The pleasure on people's faces makes me happy. Yay.

What gift would you like to receive on the upcoming holidays?

A meet and greet with either Green Day or Papa Roach, so I can hug the shit out of them.

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If you had to live the rest of your life in a movie which one would you pick?

Either pirates of the caribbean or school of rock

What do you think was the most significant news story of the year?

I don't know. I'm not that into news. This decade is a disappointment.

What things do you love?

Music, ships (the boats not the thing), Tom Hiddleston, Mythology, basically history, and alot of my friends.

What's the best thing that happened to you today?

I hung out with a friend I hadn't seen for nearly a year. We had a good time c;

What is the best news you could hear right now?

"You're important to me. " from anyone who knows me irl except for Marinda because I know she thinks that.

If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet?

Anne Bonny because she's a fucking badass pirate and Kurt Cobain and ehm jesus.


Language: English