

Ask @TheOutkast

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she's not for u....she wouldn't even give me a response when I told her. I'm sorry buddy but u can and will find better

thanks anon:/

then that's her loss, she lost her chance with a wonderful guy that I kno could've made her happy

thanks anon but u should tell her that not me. I don't need to be told who I am and what I could do

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sorry I just don't like seeing u so sad over her and how she's fine with just having u gone

I'll be fine eventually (I hope) but for now I'm still trying to get over her. I still want her to be mine just as bad as I did before, even after all of this happened
Liked by: Yoomama

Hey, fuck off im not a whore. We weren't even together so stop talking shit. I am not a whore and i dont jump to guy to guy. Fuck off thinking you know everything about me. I didnt leave you because oh i found a better guy and shit i left because you act like we are together and saying i was yours.

OK first off I am trying to "fuck off," people are just asking about u so I'm answering them. If u read correctly what I've clearly said before I never called u a whore nor would I call u one. And if that is why u left then I'm sorry I thought differently considering what happened. And youre right I did act like we were together and I did call u mine, but like I've said before it was cuz of how I felt about u.

dude she is a hoe she totally fucked u over

she did but I'm not gonna agree with u and call her a whore, I'm just a little more nice than that

U shouldnt have overreacted like that to her...

OK here's the thing, BTW I'm not trying to be mean. from what I've seen Gina seems to be the type of person who wants pleasure over heart. She cares more about action than feeling. she has had a history with a lot of guys including me that have ended quickly due to the fact she'd get bored of us and jump to another person. I'm guessing she told u I overreacted. she thinks that because she doesn't understand how I feel about her. I guarantee u if she did we would still be talking at least as friends. but she doesn't want me so I just have to deal with it and move on...

Yes I am proud cuz u kno it's true

I'd just like to point out again that I didn't fuck her over and break her heart. I was only the one trying to make things better


Yea well she's a hopper. As soon as she gets enough attention from one guy, she fucks that guy over and finds another one

U do realize if u could've just calmed the fuck down u could've had a chance with her right?

Actually wrong she even told me she didn't want me so I had no chance

U guys weren't even together calm the fuck down

I had/have feelings for her like we were together though. I don't wanna say what exactly happened but it did hurt. I liked her so much and she kinda just dropped me and left....u kno what I mean? So I'm obviously gonna get emotional and defensive about it


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