

Ask @TheOutkast

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What product or service do you think is ridiculously overpriced?

A lot of supreme merchandise...a pants for over $600? I don't think so

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lol who told you you had musical talent? I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just letting you know you suck. I'm not trying to be a hater I'm just letting you know theres no chance of you getting famous

You're being a fucking hater right now dumbass. Many people have told me I have musical talent actually. Just stfu honestly, you're not getting anywhere with this. Leave me alone

i can't do that cuz I don't care for music lol i didn't say i knew. and i doubt you play piano and drums and all that shit. also, you wish you could sound like skrill. I'm just saying you're not musically talented and should stop wasting your time and embarrassing yourself

So if u don't care for music why are u even bothering to tell me this? I actually do know how to play those instruments too. Ya I do wish I could sound like skrillex, I can admit it, doesn't mean I'm gonna stop cuz I don't. I am musically talents and I kno that. I'm not gonna stop no matter what someone says, a punk ass like u can't discourage me at all. U can't tell me what to do, sorry bud.

if my last question wasn't on anon don't answer plz

I would've answered even if it was to show who u are and the kind of double bag you're being. Why don't u actually say tell me ur name so i kno who u r so I don't have to have another internet fight with another coward

okay whatever. but I've heard your stuff. its terrible. you will never make it. I'm just saying

Ok whatever...you're just another hater. You're words aren't gonna do shit sorry lol. I'm doing music no matter what anyone says. That's my passion, that's my calling, that's my profession, that's my thing so just deal with it. I doubt u know how to make your own synths, how to self teach yourself guitar, drums, bass, and piano. I doubt u kno how to mix and master tracks. I doubt u know how to EQ drum tracks or vocals or anything in that field. You're probably just another music snob expecting to see another skrillex or Krewella or whatever...well not everyone is gonna sound like them pal. If u don't like something then don't go off being an ass about it and trying to get people to stop what they love. U wouldn't like it if someone did that to u so why don't u just shut up and leave me alone?

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I'm realistic so yeah. I'm just looking out for you bro and telling you whats up

Looking out for me and telling me what's up by insulting me and calling me sad? Don't try and pass yourself off as a nice guy now cuz u already made urself an asshole

If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?


You have no musical talent what so ever and should just stop

Think whatever u want dude, let's just see what the future has to say about that


Language: English