

Ask @TheOutkast

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I'm so tempted to tell u. I might tho, when I get the balls to say it.

Just say it, honestly there is nothing to lose

It's just that I dnt want to mess up us being friends

If u kno me then u kno that I don't let stuff come between me and the other person....unless it deeply effects me. There is really nothing to worry about if it doesn't work out ok? I promise

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Is me, but u dnt feel the same so why bother?

u dont kno that for sure, idk even kno who's talking so unfortunately there is no answer to this, I'm sorry :/

so if im ugly i shouldnt try to look better with clothes and makeup and stuff

I'm saying stay to true to urself and don't giv into ur insecurities. Trying to make urself better with clothes and makeup will make u desperate and in need of attention. U do not want that image. Just stay true to u and everything will be alright(:

What should a girl do if she's ugly and no guys like her

No girl is ugly, there is always a guy out there who's gonna like how u look so don't worry. What I advise is for u not to doll urself up and basically make urself look and act like a slut. Just be u and be proud of u
Liked by: Alondra

why did u stop snapping me? is it cuz im ugly...? SORRY D:

No, my snapchat keeps backing out and I can't open it):


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