

Ask @TheOutkast

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have you made up with your best friend that left you? you should talk to him if your upset

She left cuz she had some personal issues she needed to work out. It really bummed me out but I still hope she is ok. It's not like i hate her or anything for it, i dont.....i just really miss her. I kno we'll talk again but not for a bit of time. Im proud of her for trying to fix whatever is bothering her, i wish i couldve helped though

sorry, i know i bother you but if i didnt i would offer to talk to u

u dont bother me, no one bothers me that i kno of. If u wanna talk then talk to me. I'm not gonna be a dick about it

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do you need someone to talk to? or do u already have someone

i dont hav anyone to really talk to about it anymore

your kindof rude

I'm sorry just stuff isnt going the right way right now. Im just stressed out and sad and all that crap. I'm sorry its just that shit isnt going good right now

how r u fucking up your life?

id rather not say it on ask.fm where everyone can see and judge. If u wanna kno, message me on facebook or something

What is missing in your life that would make you very happy?

something to motivate me to stop fucking up my life

would u date a stoner

Uh idk
I really don't wanna date a girl who is on drugs. I don't like drugs, it changes people and causes them to lose focus on what is really important in their lives (school, family, friends, etc.) It's a possibility but I'm not sure tbh. Sorry

when was the last time you had a best friend

Before they left me.....it wasn't cuz we had a fight or whatever, it was cuz they had personal problems to sort out. They had to stop talking to me so they could get everything back in order. I still miss that person though......alot

how do you not know? :(

I just don't kno, i dont think anyone has been a best friend to me lately. It just feels like it's been....me

fuck u im actually upset ur a dick and im so done. stop criticizing everything i do and am. lyk rly dude u think ur so great. go find someone else to annoy cuz im tired and done with ur shit.



Language: English