

Ask @TheOutkast

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youll understand the mistakes you're making when you're 19 and have been in a real relation ship! until then keep being an ass

Ok r u done now?

you have so much to learn kid! apologies are for the bigger person who realize that they have had things done wrong to them but have also done wrong things and are ready to let everything go! it has nothing to do with dominance

I've always apologized her during the relationship! How about have her apologize for her shit for once. I'm tired of having to clean up her mess. She can deny it all she wants, she knows in her head its true. I don't want even want an apology or even another word from her to me, I just want her to shut the fuck up and leave me alone, as well as all u other assholes that keep annoying me. Ur not even hurting me, ur just causing me a bigger headache.

and your wrong again if it's on the Internet you make it everyone's business! that's how the Internet works! try telling that to the government who has access to your phone and email and tell them that it's none of their business because it's not about them. ahaha freshmen are so naive

Ahahaha I'm a sophomore dipshit

And in addition all this shit you are saying to her about her and that your friends are saying about her is bullying! which to me is like middle school shit! so when you wanna start acting like a big boy you should apologize and you both should move the fuck on and stop being immature

I don't have anything to apologize for. And apologizing makes them feel more dominant

and you're right it's not my business... UNTIL you guys posted it all over the Internet! be prepared to deal with people if you want to make your life and opinions and snooty comments available to the public!

Ok, it's not ur business even if its posted on the Internet cuz it has nothing to do with u

woah woah woah I don't know about this reise hater mob your talking about but someone is getting defensive! I think both of you are too stupid and young to even be in a relationship because you don't even know what a relationship means or you wouldn't be posting stupid comments after you broke up

I don't want a relationship and I don't want another fight with her. Tell her this. She's the one with another boyfriend now.

dic pic? "no sorry I don't have any pictures of karma" obviously someone is trying hard to deflect attention away from somethinggg

K cool, uh well u I obviously try too hard to cause more drama. Karma is being a dick, nothing more nothing less. I got over her a while ago. U and all ur other "Reise Haterz" keep bringing her back up to seem like I still hav a thing for her. So why don't u go shove a tampon up ur butthurt asshole and just leave it alone. It's really none of ur fucking business. If karma wants to say something then she can talk to me. She's very capable of handling her own fights.

if you broke up with a girl deal with it like a man not like a fucking 5th grade girl! How old are you ? seriously

What have I done to show I haven't gotten over her?

your a fucking girl! do you not have anything else to do with your time other than feed to the fire of ask drama?

I masturbate.....does that count?


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